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@  McKooter : (14 August 2024 - 08:54 PM) hi again, a year later :)
@  McKooter : (22 August 2023 - 02:08 AM) saying hi again. Ill check back in a bit
@  Tom_Horn : (19 March 2022 - 01:09 AM) What's up? :)
@  Slayer : (26 February 2022 - 11:31 AM) Sad to know that Madcat passed away. Rest in peace!
@  McKooter : (11 September 2021 - 08:16 PM) RIP Madcat. I only come here every few months. God we seem to lose some people. :( seriously.
@  Ragman : (24 May 2021 - 07:04 PM) To EVERYBODY: It is with deepest sympathy that I inform the community that MadCat passed away on the 19th of May this year. He will be missed.
@  Ragman : (24 May 2021 - 07:02 PM) Mckooter, I think Cursor is still paying for this
@  Caprica : (11 February 2021 - 06:55 AM) Доброго времени суток Всем
@  Caprica : (26 January 2021 - 06:07 PM) hi All
@  Slayer : (16 January 2021 - 05:13 PM) Hello
@  McKooter : (03 January 2021 - 04:39 PM) @Rags, yeah just was messing about again today and popped back in to see if its still up. Are we even sure who is paying for this place?
@  Ragman : (06 December 2020 - 10:59 PM) OMG This is still here
@  McKooter : (31 August 2019 - 02:12 AM) what!? a new site?? i slaved over this place :D eyo to fenris, rags, and ahroun
@  Fenris_Wolf : (14 July 2019 - 01:56 PM) Awesome. After much pissing around I can login again. Just a reminder we've got a new website running at https://tekagis.ca and a discord server https://discord.gg/psX8HBu
@  Ragabash : (10 July 2019 - 07:32 PM) Tekagis must rise again
@  Ahroun : (10 July 2019 - 07:31 PM) OMG I can't believe this login still works!!!  :blink:
@  McKooter : (26 June 2019 - 02:52 AM) just stopped in to say hi if anyone reads this still
@  MINDDRIVE : (01 June 2019 - 12:46 AM) ello ello
@  The_Fiddler : (11 March 2019 - 03:18 AM) 10 active user(s) (in the past 15 minutes) Play, play !!!
@  The_Fiddler : (10 March 2019 - 04:48 PM) Looking forward to explore this mod again :)


Role Play Character Description

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    Cubic Zirconium

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Hello all,

This space is here for you to describe your RP character. This gives the players, like myself, who have an overactive imagination and too much time on their hands, more idea of who is in the pilot's seat of the craft we just shot into pieces, or as the case may be reversed, who just shot us out of space.

Please feel free to describe anything about your RP character, such as looks, personality, equipment / clothing, weapons, etc. Even feel free to post some kind of picture, or if preferred, a link to a picture.

When considering what to put down, please keep in mind these simple rules.

  • Please keep all posts RP, any posts that aren't, will most likely be deleted. (One exception: If you want, feel free to post some RL details, but only at the end of your RP character description.)
  • If you do post an image directly, please keep the images to a sensible size. Any picture too big will need to be re-sized. Keep in mind you can always just post a link if you think the picture is too big. Use your best judgment.
  • All posts need to follow the forums rules, not that that would ever be a problem :)

Use your creative imagination. If you need ideas, look at anyone else who has posted here.

If you have any questions or issues, please don't hesitate to PM me and ask me anything.

Thank you for your contribution to the Role Play community, and have fun :angry:

Posted Image
Thank you, Slaughter



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******an exerpt from a previous post i felt didnt need to be rewritten found here: http://tekagis.com/i...amp;pid=2077092 ******

"Gritting his teeth in angst, he spat out "FOOLS.... they will all pay" as saliva splattered across the console in a convulsion so powerfull he nearly broke his hand after slamming it into the ships controls. It took a great while before he could get his heart rate back down. The ships bioscanner wailed imminent danger of adrenallin overdose. He really needed to lay off the synthisized cardimine. Who knows what crap these whack job chemists put into that junk anymore. The effects were definately taking their toll as he was known to remain concious for weeks on end. Just like the original cardimine, that was found throughout the collonies centuries before, the effects were slowly starting to become part of his DNA.

One could only imagine what could have caused such bitter hatred to drive a person to dwell in the complete destruction of those that stood before him. The people he does not destroy, only know of him as MindDrive......"

---If you wouldn't mind, please also include an RP character description. Thank you :D --Zeta
Zeta... the character description is in the context of the exerpt.... requires a lil imagination to read into...uncontrollably aggressive, hooked on cardimine, hardly slept, background mostly unknown other than the name

--I'll take that, guess I didn't have as much imagination as I thought I did :) My apologies --Zeta

Edited by -DD-Zeta, 04 April 2010 - 03:34 PM.




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******** CRIMINAL ID: 902 ********

Posted Image

Real Name: Unknown
Known as: Captain Nobodie
Age: Unknown
Place of Birth: Edge worlds
Behaviour: Agressive
Cop killer: Y
Wanted level: *****

List of Crimes commited:
  • Murder
  • Aggravated assault
  • Robbery
  • Fraud
  • Spacecraft theft
  • Organization of Cardamine smuggling
  • Organization of Human trafficking
  • Organization of Assault on police officers
  • Organization of Arson and demolishing of Civilian and military buildings
  • Multiple Weapons violations (carrying and possession)
Additional info:
One of leaders of the Corsair Covenant of Fortune criminal organization.
Little known about this person as his identity is yet not identified. However, the encounters for the last couple of months show that this person had developed abnormal hate against Liberty nation and other Colonies who help building safe and prospering environment.

The photo was taken in Florida in 807 AS when Mr. Green* as he introduced himself back then, was captured on a random security check carrying multiple fake ID's. Unfortunately he managed to escape before we were able to interrogate him. We think that he had a man inside Florida Police Department who helped him.

Image provided might no longer resemble his real appearance. There is a high chance of that he had changed his facial features several times with help of plastic surgery.
Information is a subject for changes.

*Proven to be fake.




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Name: Rajyll
Alias: Major_Malfunction
Race: Xiron
Date of Birth: 715 A.S.?
Occupation: High General of the Xiron military
Bio: Rajyll is known to be the leader of the race known as "Xirons". These aliens have kept a low profile, and as a result it was only recently discovered that there were many among Sirius since at least around 435 A.S.. Rajyll is the only known Xiron in Sirius, although he has revealed that others are in Sirius, but he has not stated where. Subject claims that his intentions are benign, but his coming into Sirius for espionage purposes has not been ruled out by authorities. Records have shown that subject has been arrested under the suspicion that he was a Nomad possessee, but medical scans have shown that it was not a Nomad that he was apparently possessed by. He has said that the body he was possessing was created from DNA and was modified to give the appearance of it being a distinct individual rather than a clone, indeed, fingerprint and genetic analysis have shown that no individual exists with the same genetic code. Subject refused to offer any further personal information
Additional information on subject's race: This race is composed entirely of a military, and are said to have literally been created for war by another alien race unbeknownsed to Sirians that are said to be called the "Krezhan", who they are now fighting against due to the inhuman actions against the the Krezhans' enemies. The Xirons are now part of a large alliance fighting against their creators as well as the coalition the Krezhan are a part of.

OOC: The parallel of an alliance fighting a coalition was unintentional.




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--Liberty Database--
--acess Code : *********---
-----root DSTRYR----
/show data DSTRYR

access data

Age : 32
Race: Human
Faction: unknown

DSTRYR was first seen by police forces in Colorado System, where he jumped out directly from BEON , his Ship burns and he was tractored out by police before his ship explodes..
After an couple of days he waked up in hospital and cant answer the police questions:
-Who the heck are you ? Now one knows you? You didnt have an neural net implant and even you ship cant be scanned complete
till it explodes?

-His answer was an mix about screaming and singing,so the police couldnt get any answer till now.
The police transport him to the prison , on this trip some unknown ships uncloaked and set up their weapons against the transport without any form of communication.
The Transport escapes with heavy damage and DSTRYR was not hit but bleeding out of his eyes,ears,nose and mouth and the screaming and singing begins..
Posted Image
After an operation at the hospital on Texas,where the Transport must dock in fact of his damage, an neural net transmitter was set up in his brain and the screaming and singing die..
after the operation, he wake up and could speak normally (the neural net implant can now translate his "Singing Scream" ) but after an hard "discussion" and scanning his body his humanity was confirmed..
Seems that he cames from an unknown sector and he really didnt know where he come from or what he did before his trip to Sirius.
He fast Learns the laws of the Sector and after some tests he get his trader licence and after some hard weeks of doing jobs, he set up his Ship and doing his work for the species in Sirius.

:edit : He was just setting up an enourmous Transporter Fleet and transports heavy weps and cardamine, some medical equipment and armour crates in cloakable ships, he cloaked often and no one knows where his route goes... his reasons are unknown for that and some Traders say that he singing and screaming again if he felt himself unsuspected...
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    frozen Sushi

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Age: I stopped counting
Height: 5Ft 6 Inches
Race: Unknown as no human can be this mean.
Gender: All Man.
Faction: Blood Thirsty Pirate

My Bio

I did not start out as a leader, In the beginning, I started out as a nobody, One of the many. But I knew that I wanted more and with my killer blood thirsty instinct, Or should I say get it done and it does not matter who dies. In time and many deaths latter by my hand (Ranking officers included) They learned to fear me. But I grew tired of the political crap and became hostile, Which put a price on my head. I started to kill, For the thrill of watching you die and the taste of your blood, The warmth or your dying carcass turned me on. Then I met someone that was tired of the same thing and I had to almost kill him to gain his respect. And then came the others and I had to prove I was that mean and dangerous and in time. They elected me (The boss out of fear of course) And named me ALPHA WOLF, I took this group of rejects and made them a force to be reckoned with. And I trust no one friend or foe you die the same.

<img src="http://i121.photobuc.../NewestSig.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />




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//Accessing Encrypted Files...
//Data Located
//Proceeding With Decryption Codes...
//Data Decrypted
//Beginning File Viewing...
//...Program Started

Name: Unknown
Codename: Zero
Height: 6' 1"
Age: 18 Years Old
Race: Human (Modified with implants for various tech for direct ship/systems interfacing, immuno-enhancers, and combat suites)
Faction: Killer

Bio: Starting from the beginning of the Human-Nomad War, I began to seek and amass my riches at the age of twelve after being tank-bred in an unknown and unnamed facility. Working my way up from piloting a prototype drone fighter for The Order by using specially-designed implants in my spine, I learned to fight, to hunt, and to work the forces of the galaxy in my favor. From a special console in the Osiris, The Order's former flagship, I commanded an Anubis specifically designed to handle each command my mind gave to it. By working under this system, the ship responded faster to my thoughts than any pilot could using standard flight controls. At the end of the war, when I was about 15, my prototype piloting was no longer required. The Order discharged me with honorary merits for serving beyond the call of duty, rewarding me with extensive biological implants increasing bodily advantages on and off the battlefield. These new implants gave my body considerable strength when activated and also kept me immune and rapidly adapting to all new and past strains of viruses and bacteria. They also gifted me with data storage capabilities apart from my brain, allowing me to copy, download, and process orders and data quickly and efficiently and increased speed when moving.

At 16, I gained control over an old freighter and joined a trading corporation to serve as both a trader and a section of the security branch. As the organization was but only in its beginning stages, I was just one of a handful currently serving. Being that I already had combat experience and abilities unknown to the public, I was promoted to Head of Security. After a couple of extremely profitable years, activity began to die for unknown reasons within the corporation. At the age of 18 and one of the last remaining members, I gained control over the corporation itself and shifted it into a mercenary band. With years of combat training and experience in both space and on land, I was fit to be one of the most formidable fighters in Serius. After a seemingly permanent shore leave, I left my well-known faction in the hands of one of the other members. To my dismay, the group disbanded not long after my departure.

Without a home or base to stay, I knew that I had been left alone to fend for myself in space. With billions still left in my accounts from my previous contracts, I decided that I had enough to keep me going indefinitely if used correctly. I found that anything I wanted, I was able to obtain one way or another. With this in mind, it no longer mattered to me what the cost of an item was or who was selling it. I felt that I had not yet found a target that I could not subjugate or destroy, so I decided to join up with an extensive criminal organization known as APOC, one of the most feared and respected clans in space. After joining, I felt that none could touch me, and that none will ever be able to bring me down, especially if I have the help of those just like me who understand and have seen and done things few have or even knew existed. I now roam through space endlessly, reaving any and all who stand between myself and my objectives.


In defensione et fraternitatem Elohim...



    Cubic Zirconium

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---Connecting to Order Intelligence database---
--> Credentials accepted. Logging in.
--> Searching records for clan -=WLB=- member "Fleainator"
--> 1 file found.
--> Downloading....
100% - Error during download. Image corrupted.
Displaying all intact data from file:


Name: D. I. Buford
Codename: Fleainator / Flea
Height: 1.8 meters
Age: 24
Place of Birth - NOTE: No official records found, however, planet New Athens in the Athens system is a likely possibility.
Noteworthy skills/traits/abilities: Full black ops. training, high heavy firearm proficiency, and proficiency with intermediate-level military martial arts.

BIO: His codename first appeared in the -=WLB=- officer roster only somewhat recently, but he has already achieved the rank of lieutenant, both likely due to his skill outside of a spacecraft and his apparent luck when it comes to surviving the destruction of his spacecraft. Most of his assignments have remained classified and unavailable, but we do know that the nature of most of his assignments have been related to intelligence gathering, reconnaissance, and "special operations." Any information on family members or relationships has been successfully kept secret, despite our attempts to find them.

His service to the -=WLB=- clan has been fairly well-documented. He remained a low-level officer for about 1.5 years after he joined. The Nomad/Bosko incursion into Sirius space that wiped the Sirian Galactic Bank's records clean and destroyed a great deal of military assets across Sirius had severely crippled the -=WLB=-. Fleainator survived the event and remained an active member of the clan, despite its greatly reduced strength. He is rarely seen in space, due to the covert nature of most of his assignments.

He remains a heavy drinker, which is typical of most -=WLB=- pilots. Because of this, he has gotten into trouble with the Liberty Police in recent months, even earning himself some jail time for crashing into and severely damaging a freighter transporting a number of civilians. He quickly paid a number of fines to the transport's owner, as well as all of the passengers on-board. Since then, his general demeanor has been observed to be markedly less jovial.

COMBAT NOTES: Fleainator has seen relatively little combat in the last few months. It should be noted that he has a distinctly unheroic and pragmatic approach to combat. He's willing to involve the local police in engagements, draw enemies into the range of capital ship turrets, and to break off and retreat when the situation isn't favorable for him. It is likely this approach that has contributed the most to his longevity, despite his limiting use of inferior equipment and weaponry during missions and patrols.

He is typically seen flying a Hunter heavy fighter, but has been seen shopping around for a different ship, now that the Hunter fighter has become increasingly obsolete in the face of the development of the Colonial Viper and the Scarlet, among other fighters.

Ultimately, he is not an eager combatant, but remains a threat of potential, should he ever start intensively training his piloting skills.

---End of Order Bio file---
---Terminating connection---

Posted Image
It's always too soon when your time is up.  Live and die... by the barrel of a gun.



    Putrescent Blather

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I have always had the soul of a killer. Even during my early days as a trader making the New Tokyo to New Berlin run I felt the need to kill. This inner desire to kill may have been kindled by watching many of my friends being destroyed by pirates and marauders as we tried to make a few credits. As I watched my many friend's ships burst into flames, I felt exited, thrilled even, as their plight unfolded in front of me.

My lust for killing all started when a purchased an old refurbished Osiris class Battleship, from the Order. That old ship was not much more than a heavily armed freighter. I consider it to have been the catalyst that led me away from the life as a lowlife trader pilot. On many cargo runs I would leave the convoy to engage would be pirates with this massive ship and the massive array of turrets. Each victory pleased my soul in ways I can not put to words. Each murdered pirate suppressed the trader in me, the lawful citizen diminished.

As time went by I saved a few million credits here and there and bought my first true fighter, the Razor II MkII with a fully loaded arsenal! With this new fighter I began hunting under an assumed name (of course).

Unfortunately, my insurance company became suspicious after losing my ship several times in "accidents"ťwith "unknown pilots"ťin "uncharted" systems. So, I had to go back to trading to fund the numerous ships I would need to satisfy my passion for battle.

Lucky for me the war with the Nomads started about this time. I eagerly joined the armed forces and honed my piloting skills blowing up blue jelly fish. These were some good times and great fun for the killer inside me. The good times all came to an end when the Nomads were vanquished and the sanctioned killing had to end.

Shortly after the war with the Nomads there was an abundance of pilots hanging about with nothing to do. Some of the ace pilots I knew would sit around drinking in local taverns elaborating on their war stories, of their squadron's heroics and their feats of great skill. However, with no war they had no way to prove how great they were. A few of these ace pilots decided they would not let their skills waste away.

It all started harmlessly with them doing mercenary missions for different House governments and corporations. These tasks grew boring very quickly and a hand full began going out on private "hunting" parties. This group was our naissance, the beginning of the Children of the Apocalypse.

Wow, all this reminiscing has filled me with a desire to blast someone into the dark void. I will have to continue this another time.



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Connected to Sirius Intelligence Database......
Accessing secret services Database...............
Encrypted informations - High security Level
Encoding password.....
- Access granted -

File unkown, create new file..........................

Name: Unknown
Known as: The Contractor
Father: Mr FISK,
Mother: Unknown
Born in NY, age: 52, size : 1.98m, weight: 163kgs

After my father died, I took on his affairs, crime, racket, drugs etc... But time has come for all of thecompanies to be welded in a
single Organization. The time of criminality has come off.

I decided to create a new office, dedicated to accept only private bounty contracts, an office dedicated to people who want to revenge
their honour, their friends, their family or just themselves. The Freedom Organization. Acronym: T.F.O., was born to serve mankind.

I am not a judge, neither a killer (my father was !) I AM A PURE BUSINESSMAN. Nothing else.

For convienience, the office is set in Colorado, a free place for free men.

All the contracts which are conclued, are completely anonymous, as for the asker, aswell as for the hunter.
All the contracts are public on TT game and forums.
No contract conclued are from my own. Never !For those who entend to kill me, be careful, I am not a fighter, but could make your life becomes Hell.
The Contractor - T.F.O.
With my best regards,
The Contractor



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From the All mighty Naquada`s Receiving Transmission :
Character Discussion : [AKA]-Bogdan

My Story

Was walking trough the Tavern and i saw my Dear friend (-=YSP=-) who i had ca chat with him about a certin assassination.The contract was relative easy the target was a little of a overpower full pilot with Huge skills and a good Frag Rating.When i Started the Contract the Target`s name was [COP]-EvilBrain the Fearless pirate was a little of a over powered fighter he killed 3 players in his way in his home system Shinto so i said to myself "i think i will die in this one "-Gooooolllllpppp :) so i decided to accept the contract and get started.When i left the tavern i remained silent and stealthy and when i entered Shinto the adrenaline rush started to pump its way trough my blood and i was about to start a Epic Battle between Assassin and Pirate. The Fight was a long 30 minutes full of twists and turns Evil Brain was Flying a Snare9 and i was Flying my Mantis.The first half i started good but then the evilness of the Brain started to have a massive impact on me and my ship but then from no ware i started to see the tactics and he started to see my own the fight was verry close and the thrusters wore barely holding on us.When we wore exhausted the skills of the Evill one wore showing and i was left with 5 nanobots and he was left with nothing. In the last Struggle while i was on fire i managed to kill him and we had a good old saying of "VERRY GOOOD Fight to you my friend "and the contract was over and then in that day pace was restored just for a little "or not who knows ".Till then the log file of my mantis sayd that there are no more contracts for that day...

That was my Story Hope you will like it

End of The Transmission Naquada source ending ..
Transmission lost




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Name: Vallen Kanyon
Call Signs: Unikron, Ryan Cawdor, Deathscythe, Duo Maxwell
Age: 34
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 220 lbs.
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown
Gender: Male
Flies for: Domestic Disturbance

Personality: Quiet, except with friends then he is a practical joker, Most times keeps to himself and has cold eyes, Rarely smiles, Dedicated to his job, Leaniant at times, Always looking to improve his skills.

Manner of dress: Black Boots, Black jeans, Black Sleeveless shirt, Black leather vest ( Similar to the biker vests of the 20th century earth bikers ), On the back of the vest is a wolf patch, Black skull cap, on left wrist has an old chain wrapped around it.

Tattoos: Left Should has a Wolf Ripout (Wolf tearing through the skin), Left forearm has three initials S.R.P., Right Forearm has a skull and spine surrounded in black flames, Right shoulder has a Vampire skull surrounded in gray smoke with green eyes, On the vampire skull there is a saying "God forgives, I don't"

Weapons: Side arm hanging from right hip, Throwing knives tucked away in the small of the back, and a knife tucked away in his right boot.

History: Was found adrift in a life pod at 2 years old by gypsies traveling through the Tau 37 system. Was raised by them till the age of 14 where they were attacked by nomads in Dresden. Vallen barely escaped in a small shuttle craft. His adopted parents died in the battle however. He landed at Vogtland base and started working on the docks for pay. At age 21 he began training to fly fighters and shuttles from the Hessians living there. By age 33 he saved enough money to by his first ship at planet Manhatten. Vallen decided to start trading to make money. After proving he could handle taking on even some of the worst pirates and still come out on top, Vallen was asked to join DD, where he resides to this day.


Black Scorpion

Black Scorpion

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Personal information:

Known as: Black Scorpion
Known aliases: Jack Reaper, John Booth, Hector Hayes, Lord Predator
Real name: unknown
Age: 30 (estimated)
Height: 1.84 mtr
Weight: 84 Kg
Posture: Normal - Athletic
Place of Birth: Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma, Edge Worlds
Place of residence: unconfirmed, but believed to reside at Leon Base, Omega-41
Civil Class: Single


Posted Image
High-def 3D computer rendering. Depiction may differ from reality.

Legal information:

General behavior: Unpredictable
Threat level assessment ( * = Low ***** = Very high): ******
Criminal record: Yes
Listed criminal offenses:
  • Murder (multiple counts)
  • Manslaughter (multiple counts)
  • Aggravated assault (multiple counts)
  • Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon (multiple counts)
  • Assault on a citizen (multiple counts)
  • Assault on a police officer (multiple counts)
  • Hijacking (multiple counts)
  • Spacecraft Theft (multiple counts)
  • Small arms Theft (multiple counts)
  • Ship weaponry Theft (multiple counts)
  • Theft of Government property (multiple counts)
  • Destruction of property (multiple counts)
  • Destruction of Government property (multiple counts)
  • Use of false identity (multiple counts)
  • Instigation of space battle (multiple counts)
  • Artifact smuggling (multiple counts)
  • Forgery (multiple counts)
  • Entrapment (multiple counts)
  • Taking part in a criminal organization
  • Engaging in organized criminal actions
  • Terrorist threats (multiple counts)
  • Resisting arrest (multiple counts)
Source: Liberty Criminal Database

Additional information:

Born on Planet Crete as an only child, his father was a high-ranking pilot in the Corsair space force, his mother was believed to be a prominent member of a covert Corsair intelligence network.
Believed to be one of the last direct descendants of the Corsair Elders. Pilot of legendary status, received numerous decorations in the Corsair-Hessian war.

Earned his nickname 'Black Scorpion' after he returned from a high-risk tactical raid against the Red Hessians that was deemed to be a suicide mission, for which he volunteered. Rumor has it that upon re-docking with Cadiz Base after the mission, General Rivera himself opened his cockpit, helped him out of his suit and spoke the legendary words:

"Your strike was as a scorpion's sting in the night; unseen, small, but devastating. From this day on, you will be called 'brother Black Scorpion'.

Black Scorpion is known to propagate the 'Crusade for Redemption', a false theory that claims the Corsairs to be the survivors of the alleged crash of the Hispania, the 5th Sleeper Ship that was lost in the voyage from the Sol to the Sirius sector, and depicts the 4 Colonies, in particular its Governments, as being corrupt.
Allegedly the instigator and leader of the Covenant, a covert radical movement within the Corsair community. The Covenant is listed as the most criminal organization in Sirius, and is known to attack civilian, commercial and even military targets.


Extremely Dangerous!
Avoid all contact!
Immediately notify the local authorities upon sighting!

Edited by Black Scorpion, 03 January 2011 - 02:04 AM.

"Never argue with an idiot, you will have to lower yourself to their standard and they will beat you with experience"

Black Scorpion

Black Scorpion

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We could use a few more like this! ;)
"Never argue with an idiot, you will have to lower yourself to their standard and they will beat you with experience"



    Cubic Zirconium

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your right, I completely forgot mine :P In work, again. Anyone that wants to post one, please go right ahead :)
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Thank you, Slaughter



    frozen Sushi

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Receiving Fax:................
Caller: Unknown
Location: Unknown
ID Number: ***-****-***

Ames Medical Facility

Name: Sloth Rogaan

Age: 30

Hair: Black

Skin: Caucasian, scarred (chemical burn)

Parents: Deceased

Next Of Kin: Unknown

Criminal History: Yes

Born: Planet Los Angeles, California System

Hobbies: Patient observed harboring strange objects. Subject believes
the objects give him his power, that if prevented to continue his odd behavior,
that he'll "surely die". Note - Upon release from the Zeta Ward, Huntsville, the subject administered even stranger behavior, once nailing a wraith hawk down to an exam table and whispering to it, slowly pulling the coils from the beast followed by severing each limb with a smile.


Patient Journal Entry 253:

From the darkest corners of space, I lurk. In the debris fields, mine fields and astroid fields is where you'll find me. I enjoy quiet dinners frequently at Buffalo Base, followed by some quick dogfights for desert... afterall, nothing helps digest the food better! The thrill of the kill excites me, I live for it! After blowing up my targets, I usually tractor in their escape pods, putting my ship into auto-pilot so I can go claim my prize, their skull.

Final Diagnostic:

"Grade A Psycho" - Dr. Zenomorph
Posted Image

Tiiiiiime is on my side, yes it is!



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//: SEARCH- Nami-Shakar

//: Security Level SSC-71 required!




Birth Name: Unkown.

Name: Nami-Shakar.

Aliases: Nami.

Place of Birth: Unknown.

Date of Birth: Unknown.

Affiliations: Unknown.

Callsigns: HyperBlade1, GhostShip, ShadowStar, Eclipse7, and NebulaRunner3.

Starship(s): Unknown.

Description: Human male, dark hair cut VERY short, and eerily strange emerald eye color. Clothing always consists of a robe worn over various flight or still suits. Clothing colors are either varying shades of brown, ranging from medium to dark tones, or varying shades of black and grey, ranging from light charcoal to pitch black. Robe is always of the darkest shade.

Height: 5 feet 11 inches.

Weight: 192 lbs.

Build: Slender, extremely athletic, and very toned.

Body Posture: Highly seasoned and capable physical combatant. Highly accute senses, and high state of awareness.

Typical Weapons Carried: Two Heavy Blaster pistols, Electro-Whip, Neural Inhibitor, Molecular Combat knife, Two Thermal Detonators, and Two Lightsabers.

Bio: Discovered among an unidentified reckage by a DSE survey ship in the Tau-37 system. Brought to Planet Denver by his DSE rescue ship. All record of him disappears from that point until approximately 3 standard years later. There was report of a confrontation with an LSF security team shortly after his arrival, but all details of that incident have been placed under the highest known security clearance and the records sealed.
Three years after his arrival in the Sirius Sector, Nami-Shakar was finally spotted again on Mactan Base, doing repairs to his ship before setting out again. Next sighting was New Tokyo, where he was meeting with some high ranking officials with Republican Shipping and the GMG. Next sighting on Planet Malta in Omicron Alpha, where he was meeting with the leader of the Outcasts. Next was on Freistandt Base, speaking with the Bounty Hunters before resupplying and setting out to space again. Next he was spotted on Planet Manhattan meeting with the chief engineers from Detroit Munitions, then the next day same place with three captains with the Blood Dragons. Over the next seven years sightings of him became more and more rare, and the variety of characters with whom he was meeting proved to be more and more diverse. The rare few of those contacts that were identified and later questioned, denied any knowledge of such a person, nor of any meeting that took place as descrided. They were either very gifted at lying, or they truly did not remember any such person or event.
It is believed that Nami, or HyperBlade1, is an information broker, and may have garnered an enormous amount of classified or unrecorded knowledge and/or information concerning not just high ranking legitimate government officials, but of Black Market, Industrial, Commercial, and Criminal officials. It is believed that he may know so much that several would like it if he were dealt with, but are afraid of what kind of reprecussions that might intel if he has contigencies in place with the information and contacts he has garnered. He has shown an uncanny ability for escaping notice, capture, or defeat. Though he does not appear to be a very capable starship combatant on par with the clans of the Sirius Sector, he has shown a more than a great deal of skill when not aboard his ship.

Threat Level: Space – Minimal. (CAPTURE ALIVE! Subject will attempt to evade and escape. DO NOT KILL!)
--------- Ground – Extreme. (Subject is HEAVILY armed and EXTREMELY dangerous if threatened!)

Known Characteristics: Very charismatic, Likes rare drinks, Business is VERY serious, Welcoming nature.

Abilities: Unknown. (Does possess several, but their use, extent and degree is unkonwn at this time.)

List of Crimes: Unknown. (If any have been committed, they have not been recorded.)





    Fresh Banana

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Deep in the edgeworld system of Omicron Theta, a convoy of freighters is escorted by only two fighters, a seemingly light guard, especially for such a dangerous system, but these two are some of the best in Sirius. One was only known as "Koch", and the other's name was forgotten, but he now goes by the first two characters in his pilot's license: "IC". IC was an upstanding scientist in Liberty until this fateful day. It was also on this day, that Koch, IC's brother, was killed by pirates, and it was this event that was rumored to have driven him mad.

As the convoy, leaden down with IC's research equipment, took toward the Freeport, two wings of pirates appeared. They demanded the cargo, as expected. IC didn't think that these pirates were in any position to make demands, especially with Koch, the better pilot of the two present. He thought he would have a bit of fun with these brigands, but that proved to be a grave mistake. IC ordered the transports to spill the research equipment, and then quickly tractor it back in again. As the tractors locked on, the pirates retracted the "Jolly Roger" transmission, and switched to "no survivors". After several minutes of fighting, the pirates seemed to be finished, and not a moment too soon, as IC and Koch had sustained heavy hull damage and two transports were destroyed. Just as the last pirate was gunned down, another two wings emerged, as if from nowhere, as if they had cloaking devices. Koch's voice came on the com to IC "Get out of here! Save yourself! Your research must reach Liberty at all costs!" IC very reluctantly obeyed, hoping that somehow his brother and wingmate would survive, and headed toward the Zoner station. Checking his rear display, he saw the last of the transports and Koch, his only brother, his only family, become space dust. IC at least thought he could get his brother back, as it was not unusual for pirates to tractor an escape pod of a downed pilot and sell them for ransom, but there was no chance of this, the pirates gunned down the pod mercilessly. It was after this that IC snapped.

Even in his badly weakened condition, IC powered weapons and headed toward the robbers, but he was too late. They tractored in what was left of the cargo and disappeared behind their cloaks. An enraged IC fired at the last positions of the pirates, but to no avail. After this, he swore that he would seek vengeance upon these pirates, that every last one of them would pay for what they had done.

Still fuming from his encounter in the Omicrons, IC arrived on Planet Manhattan, and upon exiting his spacecraft was badgered by the press. He was never one for these people, but he was in even less of a mood to deal with them now. Amidst the flurry of cameras and questions, he weaved his way through to the building that held his research lab. The swarm of reporters persisted, and IC leered at them, frustrated that they didn't get the hint. Normally, reporters aren't deterred by this, but one said later that he saw such madness and hatred in IC's eyes, that he knew further attempts at questioning could prove painful.

Several days passed, IC has hardly eaten anything. Over the countless hours in his research lab, he had been cybernetically enhancing himself as much as the human body could withstand without dying. Placing the last adrenal accelerator, he cut himself on a piece of equipment. This gave him an idea. He quickly put some blood on a microscope slide and began to analyze it. After storing all the information on his DNA into a lab computer, he began to tinker with it. He would genetically AND cybernetically enhance himself. He wanted not only to destroy, but to humiliate those that killed his brother.

IC awoke to a very nervous looking scientist standing over him in his lab. "Are you alright, sir? You haven't left this room in a week and a half, and we were starting to get worried". IC stood up, and looked over himself. He seemed to remember something about these machines attached to him, but his mind was still foggy. The other took a good look as well "It's quite astonishing, really," he said "that you have made such radical changes to yourself and you're still alive, and fully functional, it appears." The scientist picked up a data pad and handed it to him. "You probably don't remember much, but here's what you've done to yourself" IC scrolled over the list, as something came back to him. He could remember... severe hatred. Hatred of what? He tried harder to remember what had happened before. As he tried, he came to the painful realization that he couldn't remember who he was. He checked his neural net for some kind of ID. Nothing was there. Almost as if in answer to the question that would inevitably follow, the other researcher said "Of course, you didn't come out of this unscathed, there was lots of damage done to certain parts of your brain, including memory centers, and your neural net is almost completely fried, of course you should regain your brain functions soon, as rapid regeneration is part of the genetic changes you've made to yourself. As for your neural net, the only thing you can hope to do is get a new one, your new nano regenerators couldn't do anything about that." The only thing left in IC's net was his pilot license number.

Suddenly, a flush of emotion and memory came crashing down on him. He saw laser blasting several transports and a fighter. That fighter belonged to Koch. Everything of the events that had transpired came back to him. He saw pictures on the wall that he immediately identified as the wanted posters of the criminals that killed his brother, put up there as a sort of gruesome inspiration for what he was doing to himself. Seeing a screwdriver on a table, he hurled it at the center poster. The screwdriver buried itself all the way up to the handle in the space in between the picture's eyes.

That was five years ago. IC is now a common bounty hunter. The Liberty scientific community (and those of the other houses) dismissed him because they felt was no longer mentally fit to preform his previous occupation. The only other thing he was ever really good at was piloting, so he now pursued this. He now has the mental capacity he did before his Omicron incident, and he has sworn off his thirst for vengeance, but due to certain programming he stored into some of his implants that can't be dislodged, he ruthlessly attacks any of the pirates that were present that fateful day.