So... got the parts to finish up the new pc today. I don't need much but probably got a bit more than i needed:
CPU: AMD FX 8120 (8 Core)
Mobo: Gigabyte GA-970A-D3
RAM: CORSAIR Vengeance 16GB (2 x 8GB)
SSD: OCZ Vertex 4 128GB
Cooler: ZALMAN CNPS9900ALED (holy crap this is bigger than i thought)
Carrying forward from current:
GPU: Nvidia 550Ti (for what I do, more than enough)
PSU: 600w Thermaltake
HDD: 640GB Seagate
ODD: iHAS424 ( )
And now for a pic comparing my new cooler to a 3.5" HDD....
cooler.jpg 107.9K
and another showing the initial mounting to the mobo... its not all in yet.
mobo.jpg 135.49K
by the way... that memory is deceiving .. its the tallest memory ive ever seen... and still is a fraction of the way up the cooler. I'm hoping this will not run very hot