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@  McKooter : (14 August 2024 - 08:54 PM) hi again, a year later :)
@  McKooter : (22 August 2023 - 02:08 AM) saying hi again. Ill check back in a bit
@  Tom_Horn : (19 March 2022 - 01:09 AM) What's up? :)
@  Slayer : (26 February 2022 - 11:31 AM) Sad to know that Madcat passed away. Rest in peace!
@  McKooter : (11 September 2021 - 08:16 PM) RIP Madcat. I only come here every few months. God we seem to lose some people. :( seriously.
@  Ragman : (24 May 2021 - 07:04 PM) To EVERYBODY: It is with deepest sympathy that I inform the community that MadCat passed away on the 19th of May this year. He will be missed.
@  Ragman : (24 May 2021 - 07:02 PM) Mckooter, I think Cursor is still paying for this
@  Caprica : (11 February 2021 - 06:55 AM) Доброго времени суток Всем
@  Caprica : (26 January 2021 - 06:07 PM) hi All
@  Slayer : (16 January 2021 - 05:13 PM) Hello
@  McKooter : (03 January 2021 - 04:39 PM) @Rags, yeah just was messing about again today and popped back in to see if its still up. Are we even sure who is paying for this place?
@  Ragman : (06 December 2020 - 10:59 PM) OMG This is still here
@  McKooter : (31 August 2019 - 02:12 AM) what!? a new site?? i slaved over this place :D eyo to fenris, rags, and ahroun
@  Fenris_Wolf : (14 July 2019 - 01:56 PM) Awesome. After much pissing around I can login again. Just a reminder we've got a new website running at https://tekagis.ca and a discord server https://discord.gg/psX8HBu
@  Ragabash : (10 July 2019 - 07:32 PM) Tekagis must rise again
@  Ahroun : (10 July 2019 - 07:31 PM) OMG I can't believe this login still works!!!  :blink:
@  McKooter : (26 June 2019 - 02:52 AM) just stopped in to say hi if anyone reads this still
@  MINDDRIVE : (01 June 2019 - 12:46 AM) ello ello
@  The_Fiddler : (11 March 2019 - 03:18 AM) 10 active user(s) (in the past 15 minutes) Play, play !!!
@  The_Fiddler : (10 March 2019 - 04:48 PM) Looking forward to explore this mod again :)


RP in Tekagis Revenge

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We`re making changes to the basic concept of RP in TR, although some of what i am about to say is still under discussion and yet to be finalized it is the general direction we are heading. Its important to understand that everything we do with regards the setup of the mod and the rp is designed to give greater longevity to the whole game. the restructure and rebalance will mean the days of getting the best of eveything within an hour or two is definalty long gone, you`ll have to work damned hard to progress in whatever you do but, the rewards will be worth it. the ultimate goal may be building up your own system with our new multi part base which can be put together in several diffent ways so no two will look the same and it doesnt end there ! if you succesfully negotiate with other factions you may be able to have what we call a satelite base placed in another system for strategic purposes... (weapons / bats / bots) or even just to park up. (we`ll cover this more later).

So onto RP..

You will be required to align yourself with a faction whether you are an individual player or part of a clan and your RP must reflect that faction, we are (considering) removing the bribes for several reasons, we`ll go into it in more depth later but basically it means choose carefully because it will take a fair bit of work to get friendly with the faction of choice and even more work if you change your mind, ( there may be options where we could do that for you as a reward for winning a game/event or trading points won again in games or events) we will cover that more when we discuss games/events.

your rep will also be important with regards RP in several ways in respect of, Green (friendly).... White (neutral).... and Red (unfriendly).... and we have changed some rules to reflect this.

First and foremost.. The KILLER role as it was is no longer supported on this mod ! it is no longer acceptable to go around killing anything that moves just because you can or want to. (with the exception of NPC`s). your rep with another player will determine your actions, while we accept there may be occassional disagreements with friendly`s which may degenerate into some sort of conflict under the guise of RP it will only be acceptable where both parties are seen to be participating in RP, any unwarrented or unwelcome aggretion towards FRIENDLY`s will result in us (admins) interveining with either a warning or in worst case scenarios we will change your rep to reflect your unfriendly stance towards that faction (and it will be our choice of rep ! ).

The other side of that coin is our previous stance on helping players will also be relaxed to accomodate your rep with other players, so if your green to another player regardless of faction then feel free to help if you so wish.. White (neutral) its negotiable, you can if under RP you have reason too, RED (unfriendly) then NO you cant, not directly anyway. While this may seem initially to be quite a broad overview its really not that difficult, for instance if an unfriendly faction has something you want or need then use a neutral faction to get it, the alternative would be to change your rep to get it yourself but that would take a good while and be difficult eh ? so negotiation is the key ! bare in mind however that most if not all players will be trying to progress themselves so its unlikely they will do it for free although not necessarily for cash, commodities will also play a major part in this..

While obviously commodities are the primary way to earn a living they will also now be required for other reasons, getting back for a moment on building your base ! this will not only require a substantual amount of cash but will also require a certain amount of raw materials and componants to be collected of which will be dependant on which part of the base you are adding ! (no two parts will require exactly the same materials). again if your lucky some of these commodities may be in friendly systems but then again they may not so your either gonna have to work damned hard or negotiate with other factions, we are doin our best to ensure that commodities are spread out evenly but its something to bare in mind if/when you choose a system ! also consider that most if not all raw materials are mineable items ! so whether you like it or not at some point your gonna have to go get these materials or pay/trade to get them !

Lawfulls/Unlawfulls... ! in particular.. PIRATES ! one major problem has always been the ability of pirates to tax players while those who wish to play a more lawfull role police/hunter have no way to make a living. It always seemed to me that allowing pirates to tax money makes for an incredably easy life when pirateing should be anything but ! so.. what we propose is this, pirates can ask/demand cargo from traders or other players, (not cash). in this way while they may have a free existance they are gonna have to work at it, whether its take it to the nearest/best point of sale or try and sell it to a neutral player, in turn lawfull/hunter players who come across a pirate can assume its stolen or contraband and remove it... if he can :) as well as opening a more playable role for lawfulls and an ability to at least make some sort of living it should also help us avoid a server full of pirates with no oposition to em. certainly a more balanced RP between the two factions. again bare in mind that although most commods will remain as sellable items some will be far more valuable if going towards your base build, also if your pirate fighter has a limited cargo then you could have a pirate cargo ship nearby to accomodate any extra that you manage to aquire but, the other side of that is it could get caught by lawfulls ! but with some carefull planning and luck you might just score :)
again as with everything else we think this will accomodate better rp, certainly in respect of making it a more lvl playing field for lawfulls.

Games/Events.. we will as always try to have games and events on a regular basis wherever possible, and do our best to include games where lower lvl players have as good a chance as any to win, again as much as possible the prizes will reflect your current position whether its cash or equipment.. i.e.. we will not give lvl 10 equipment to a player who has a lvl 6 ship ! but a full map may be of advantage !
Also we will be implimenting the points system that spirit introduced, these can be used to exchange for particular items or saved for that more expensive item, we may even consider things like changing your char name or even your rep !

That is the basics of how we are aproaching the mod with regards RP, while it is not extensive it should give you a general idea of how we are trying to change the overall feel of the mod, along with the actual modding and new layout we believe Tekagis Revenge is how the next step in our journey should be. Again i must stress that all of this and the modding is still under discussion by us all and while it does reflect the direction we are going it is however subject to change where we feel it is necessary. While we will be more than happy to discuss any area`s of this and the modding as we go with regards to keeping you up to date on how its progressing we ask that you bare in mind that it is OUR mod and put together the way WE WANT IT ! so if it sounds interesting and you`d like to have a go at it then join in the discussions, if however its not sounding like your cup of tea.. there are still other mods out there !

Regards, Jaco.




    Alien Organism

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Thanks Jacobite :troest_2: Let's hope ppl read it in full





    Cubic Zirconium

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So, it sounds like this will be a mod mainly for "hard core" RP players.

Is this mod going to also be user friendly to "non hard core" RP players? By that I mean, would a player, who chooses to play the mod simply for the experience of general exploration and/or social interaction, be able to accumilate the best weapons, ships etc??

There is a good reason I ask this......over the last few months, I have played various other mods where I have met players who played TT's before. I was told, on MANY more than one occasions, that they prefer the mod they are playing now because the RP is more relaxed. Now, one would have to assume that the modders here actually want people to play their mod, and that it is not just for themselves. So, I ask again.....would a relaxed RP game style reward players the same as any other RP player?

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NRP`s have always been welcome on Teks and have always been given the freedom to do and go where they wish, the only exception to that for a while at least was the systems owned by clans (it was at their discression) if an nrp was allowed through, since the rp on teks has never really been classed as hard core i dont see how we could have been more acomodating. the only other stipulation was that they were NOT included in RP, which i dont see as a problem since they themselves tagged as NRP !
with regards Tekagis Revenge when it arrives however, we may be trying to up the lvl of RP for those who enjoy it i see no reason to not allow nrp`s who would like to try the mod, again it would be a case of not interfearing with those who do RP, i.e.. we are not likely to allow nrp players to get items and pass them to RP`ers !

in fact the main reason for allowing nrp players was in the hope that they would join in but, were under no obligation to.

regards, Jaco




    Cubic Zirconium

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.......and in some instances, they did join in, eventually!

That's fine. Good explanation. My main concern was that no RP players might be penalised in some way. Of course, I wouldn't want to see nrp's influencing RP charactors either. I have in the past and it doesn't feel good.

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So I can't remove someone's paint job manually if I don't like it anymore?

Pokey, what are we gonna do now?!


In defensione et fraternitatem Elohim...




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i`m fairly sure you guys will find plenty to do, you`ll just have to be nice occassionally to some for reasons of trade.. and dont say ya cant because i saw ya`s being nice once b4 :) its no use denying it ! i get the feeling also if all goes as we hope there will be plenty char players who will be RED to you, and as long as its good RP... feel free :)

regards, Jaco.





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I used to be nice, but then I saw the error of my ways. :)

I used to trade all the time on the old Teks server, but then I started charging pirates for asking for tax money. I'd ask for what they asked for so I could forget that they just insulted me by the tax request, then I'd ask them for the same amount again so that I don't decide to chase them down. Most didn't want to pay 200% of what they just asked for to me, but I usually took it out of them one way or another.

Btw, can we join the phantoms? I'm an equal opportunity kind of guy. I want to be able to mow everything down equally.


In defensione et fraternitatem Elohim...



    Cubic Zirconium

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There's always the Mafia Zero? They're a bunch of no good killers who have to be good to people (sometimes) to get what they want. They smuggle illegal goods, kill people behind the backs of the lawful, do dodgy deals and extort to their hearts content. What more could a homeless APOC want?? :we are warped:

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    Cubic Zirconium

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Awesome I could see a truly neutral Freelancer RP clan making a killing as a go-between. I remember I tried it on the old server and ended up doing more spy work than actual trading with players lol

QUOTE (ShadowStorme @ Apr 6 2009, 06:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
this subject needs to be closed please by an ADMIN. bcause this is getting uglier than an alley cat caught in bicycle spokes.