you may be wondering whats in store for tekagis..well the goals thus far are:
FLHook Intergration
TT has always been designed to run on Flac server software instead of FLHook. This has always been a drawback in my eyes, limiting our options on adding new features. Since running Flac is no longer a option, FLHook it is. Many parts of the mod need to be redesigned to reflect this, Cloaks, Dockable capital ships and repair guns to name a few. Parts that have formally relied on Flac need to be switched over.
Current Bugs and issues
These need to be hunted down and fixed before any major changes.
Auto Updater
This needs to be implemented, also before any major changes.
Content addition freeze
Systems, equipment, and ships that are currently in game will stay, and no new ones will be added (at least for now). However, expect a rebalancing expecially in the ships and equipment.
Gear will be rebalanced so most items will be useful again, bringing back greater variety in ship loadouts, while making a attempt to retain the traditional feel of TT's combat.
Economy scaled down
Currently its too easy to break the 2bil cash limit. Some gear is extremely expensive and doesnt help with that problem. All prices will be scaled down by a % value, and the rebalance will help level out the equipment cost.
The historic clans of TT will be turned into npc factions, and dominate their respective clan systems. Joining a clan (or any npc faction) will automatically set the tag in front of the players name, as well as setting their rep with other npc factions.
Pirates and killers will have a much harder time in places populated by police and military units, and hunters will have a similarly difficult time in systems that should be hostile. This also allows for much finer control over where players can land, and what gear/commodities they have access to.
Npc gear and ships will be modernized offering more of a challange.
One of the long term goals will be to implement FoxUnit's npc wingmen concepts from the flak88 mod. This is a major job and a longterm goal.
Normally this would be a fair amount of work, the expecially rebalancing and economy fixing for a mod this size, however I should be able to script most of it. I need to recreate some more modern tools for the job though, I still have much of my old code for manipulating freelancers files, but adding new features or customizing it will probably take more time then starting from scratch.
The main goal is too keep the traditional feel of teks, while implenting some of the things that were ment to be done ages ago, but never were.
suggestions and opinions welcome