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@  McKooter : (14 August 2024 - 08:54 PM) hi again, a year later :)
@  McKooter : (22 August 2023 - 02:08 AM) saying hi again. Ill check back in a bit
@  Tom_Horn : (19 March 2022 - 01:09 AM) What's up? :)
@  Slayer : (26 February 2022 - 11:31 AM) Sad to know that Madcat passed away. Rest in peace!
@  McKooter : (11 September 2021 - 08:16 PM) RIP Madcat. I only come here every few months. God we seem to lose some people. :( seriously.
@  Ragman : (24 May 2021 - 07:04 PM) To EVERYBODY: It is with deepest sympathy that I inform the community that MadCat passed away on the 19th of May this year. He will be missed.
@  Ragman : (24 May 2021 - 07:02 PM) Mckooter, I think Cursor is still paying for this
@  Caprica : (11 February 2021 - 06:55 AM) Доброго времени суток Всем
@  Caprica : (26 January 2021 - 06:07 PM) hi All
@  Slayer : (16 January 2021 - 05:13 PM) Hello
@  McKooter : (03 January 2021 - 04:39 PM) @Rags, yeah just was messing about again today and popped back in to see if its still up. Are we even sure who is paying for this place?
@  Ragman : (06 December 2020 - 10:59 PM) OMG This is still here
@  McKooter : (31 August 2019 - 02:12 AM) what!? a new site?? i slaved over this place :D eyo to fenris, rags, and ahroun
@  Fenris_Wolf : (14 July 2019 - 01:56 PM) Awesome. After much pissing around I can login again. Just a reminder we've got a new website running at https://tekagis.ca and a discord server https://discord.gg/psX8HBu
@  Ragabash : (10 July 2019 - 07:32 PM) Tekagis must rise again
@  Ahroun : (10 July 2019 - 07:31 PM) OMG I can't believe this login still works!!!  :blink:
@  McKooter : (26 June 2019 - 02:52 AM) just stopped in to say hi if anyone reads this still
@  MINDDRIVE : (01 June 2019 - 12:46 AM) ello ello
@  The_Fiddler : (11 March 2019 - 03:18 AM) 10 active user(s) (in the past 15 minutes) Play, play !!!
@  The_Fiddler : (10 March 2019 - 04:48 PM) Looking forward to explore this mod again :)


UHG - Science Vessel "Defiant"

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Sirius Stardate *20112601.2034*

This is the log of UHG Science Vessel "Galileo" ID Nr. 1969.07
*Callsign: Clever Cloggs***Commander: Caledonia*

We have been ordered to chart and catalogue all systems and races in the Sirius System. God only knows what UHG Command wants with all this data. hope we can gather valuable information, coz i just hate putting my life on the line for nothing.

...today we managed to overcome the peril journey through the system Danteīs Inferno. we were able to persuade a Tekagiīs merchant to show us the way to this system. he promised us good fortune and technology in his home system, they call it Tekagis Folly. seems to be linked to this god forsaken place. can only hope we dont take too much damage. scanners show gas pockets and radiation levels that will strain our shields to their limits.....

...stumbled over a ship in Sector xxxxxx. looks like it was engaged in a heavy battle. an away team was able to rescue the crew. i was informed by my medical head of staff that they were both alive but in a bad shape... can only hope a friendly base nearby can help with a medical facility. our medical bay isnt equipped for the kind of injuries these 2 pilots sustained.....

...long range scans have discoverd a base 2 sectors away. have plotted a course.....

...turns out the base is run by the Zoners. the 2 pilots were transfered to their medical facilities and the base commander was able to give us the information on the tekagi bases in this system. as far as i was able to gather the teks and zoners were still in peace talks. so the political state in this system seems to be unstable at the time....

*** will proceed with vigilance *** Caledonia signing off.........
...stand by your brother, die for the clan...
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Sirius Stardate *20112701.1015*

This is the log of UHG Science Vessel "Galileo" ID Nr. 1969.07
*Callsign: Clever Cloggs***Commander: Caledonia*

...our journey to Tekagis folly was a success. we were able to gain a new trading partner. further negotiations on side of the diplomatic corp might strengthen a political bond. furthermore our chief of engineering was able to accetain new technology which will aid us on our quest to chart sirius. hopefully we will be able to examine them and maybe even reproduce them for the UHG fleet.....

...**personal log**
on our travels we were able to gather rumors from locals and space travellers. one rumor i am planning to investigate. apperently there is a system where high risk prisoners are locked up. hard to escape and patrolled from different races. our scientific officer is more than eager to quench his thirst for knowledge..
..Note for UHG command: we were able to talk to allies of the phantoms, with their help we are now able to gain access to the phantom systems and maybe even start diplomtic relations. for us it means we have one enemy less in our path...

...have charted the crypt system. some damage during this survey as we yet again encountered the race known as the bosko. must make a note to gather more information of this race. they are becoming more of a pest the further we have to travel....

...our cargo is full of loot we were able to gather from wrecks we found on our way. will have to see if we can fetch a good price as we need to repair our ship and refill our weapons hold.....

...have now found a space anomoly which apparently seems to be a wormhole. a probe has sent back information and it seems to be a link to the bellerophon system. have decided to enter the wormhole and see what we can find...

...radar scans have discovered a base in here led by the zoners. seems to be we are in luck and have found an asteroid field. mines have been hidden in here. intriguing, it seems we have stumbled over a hidden phantom base. apprently we are now able to test if we really are able to use the stations facilities..

...were able to dock on the phantom base. although we had help gain the phantom trust we were still on edge. are now planning further surveys of the system....

...have discovered a jumpgate. origin of design unknown....

...have entered the jumpgate, after regaining visual on our screen we seem to have reappeared in a gigantic minefield....

..will have to see what awaits us here...

.....Caledonia signing off.........
...stand by your brother, die for the clan...
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Sirius Stardate *20112801.0612*

This is the log of UHG Science Vessel "Galileo" ID Nr. 1969.07
*Callsign: Clever Cloggs***Commander: Caledonia*

...**personal log**
yesterday we traveled through the alien jumpgate. turned out that it brought us all the way to a system called Colossal. with the help of drones we were able to find a way through the minefield. sustained only minor damage, but who in gods name would place a jumphole in a vast minefield? can only guess that they must be hiding something in here..

...after what seems an eternity we were able to find a lonely station in this empty space. Kameno. the occupants were quite reluctant to let us use their facilities....

...managed to fix the damages we had sustained in getting here and it looks like not a second to soon. just received message from the base commander that we are to leave the base immediately. my gutt is telling me they are hiding something...

...long range scans indicate there is a wormhole hidden in sector *****. have decided to fly through it to see why this hole was so cleverly concealed....

...turns out we have finally managed to validate one rumor for a change. we have found that infamous prison i was told about. proteced by patrols of some of the major races and engulfed in a minefield thats entrance is guarded by two enormous satellites...

...communication with the base commander, we are allowed to dock but were warned of a tight security protocol on the station....

...we were able to gather some information about the base. called the rock its sole purpose is to accomedate the filth of sirius. locked away and probably forgotten...

...team feels uncomfortable in this place. so i have decided to head back to the crypt and to send an encrypted report to UHG command...

...have received new orders, rumors are rising in sirius that pirates are increasing their activity. we have yet to find out what they are planning. we are closest ship in the sector and have been assigned to acquire more fighters for the fleet. we are to meet up with officials of the cylon guards on caprica...

...success. new fighters are on their way to unicornz to strengthen our forces...

...UHG intelligence have sent out their operatives to gather intel concerning a possible build up of hostile forces...

...patrols have been increased in and around unicornz. allies have agreed to assist and increase their own security in order to be able to react...

...may god have mercy on our souls if this is really a build up for a war....

.....Caledonia signing off.........
...stand by your brother, die for the clan...
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Sirius Stardate *20112801.1812*

This is the log of UHG Science Vessel "Galileo" ID Nr. 1969.07
*Callsign: Clever Cloggs***Commander: Caledonia*

....**personal log**
the crew and myself were invited to spend a bit of R&R on Caprica. can´t remember when the crew was last able to take a breather. seems to be months now since we left home. i can sense that most of my crew have become edgy, especially after the news of increasing hostile activities. can only hope we are ready....

...have received an urgent transmission from UHG command, we are to return home for a debriefing...
...stand by your brother, die for the clan...
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Sirius Stardate *20112901.1129*

This is the log of UHG Science Vessel "Galileo" ID Nr. 1969.07
*Callsign: Clever Cloggs***Commander: Caledonia*

...UHG command have issued the galileo with new orders...

...we are to plot a course into the russian sector of sirius and gather strategic information...

...have been invited by the premier of Rostov-On-Don.have plotted a course to the southern federal district...

...**personal log**
received military intel that there are two fighters of the CCoF on an intercept course. have we been betrayed? this was supposed to be a covert operation. will have my head of security check the comunication relays on this ship. i have a bad feeling....

...the premier was kind enough to give us the location of a jumphole in this system. apprently it is a pathway to a system in which we are able to acquire advanced technology. that should help us strengthen our military...

...it was a long and tiresome journey. ended up in a system with quite a few trading opportunities, suffice to say, the bases were all engulfed in a gigantic minefield. god i hate them....

...have gained the trust and the friendship of the naqada people. in return they have agreed to supply the UHG with vital components for our shipyards...

...**personal log**
havent heard news on them CCoF ships. we need to find out their intentions. have talked to my security chief and have devised a plan in to luring them out into the open. have calibrated one of our drones. the transponder is configured to send out the same id as the galileo. furthermore there have been a couple of weapon banks installed to uphold the illusion the CCoF are engaging the real galileo. i hope this little scheme of mine pays out...

...drone is being intercepted by the CCoF. as i had anticapted they were waiting at the jumpgate...

...we were set an ultimatum to pay for a safe journey. for the records, they demanded we hand them out our "prisoner". i refused to fulfill their demands for payment and only handed out the "prisoner". goes without saying that "we" were attacked and destroyed...

...just received the transmission. our rabbit has reached the foxes den. Omicron Gamma. looks like the CCoF were too arrogant to check him. his sacrifice will not be forgotten. have relayed all the data to UHG High Command. will have to wait what the future will bring now, but at least we are a bit wiser concerning the CCoF...

...Caledonia signing off...
...stand by your brother, die for the clan...
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Sirius Stardate *20113001.1222*

This is the log of UHG Science Vessel "Galileo" ID Nr. 1969.07
*Callsign: Clever Cloggs***Commander: Caledonia*

...**personal log**
seems to me we´re not destined to be in one spot for long. have just received encrypted orders from UHG High Command. we are to dispatch asap, debriefing the crew in 2 hours. can only hope this doesnt end in a suicide run.

...Caledonia signing off...
...stand by your brother, die for the clan...
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Sirius Stardate *20113001.1422*

This is the log of UHG Science Vessel "Galileo" ID Nr. 1969.07
*Callsign: Clever Cloggs***Commander: Caledonia*

...have debriefed the crew. our mission is to fly to the void to meet up with a liaison officer to the tekagi samurai. there we are to receive vital information to aid us to fulfill our primary objective...

...reached the tekagis outpost, met up the our contact in the outposts bar, turns out to be my best mate from the academy, Ace Rimmer. should have guessed, covert operations have always his cup of tea. he had aquired a map of the sytem called the gateway from the Druids in plato. we are to travel there and head for the jumphole to the system nirvana. apperently we are to negotiate a weapons deal for our fleet...

...**personal log**
looks like we are playing errand boy yet again. we have a diplomatic corp that are more than capable of doin this kind of work, but yet again it is my crew that have to do the dirty work. i hope this trip is worth it...

...this is turning out to be quite a trip. received a communiqué from back home that we are to detour to the system manchester. there the galileo is to receive vital upgrades...

...took some time getting here but we have finally docked on the liverpool border station. looks like we hit the jackpot, we are being fitted with new weapons. gives us a little more kickass power...

...**personal log**
seems our small encounter with the CCoF finally paid off. Command HQ got a band of weapon dealers to deliver new weaponry for my ship. they are being mounted just this minute. can´t wait to test them...

...have plotted a course to the gateway system. seems we are going to pass through some hostile sectors in the process. might even get a few test fights out of this...

...passed through liberty system Alaska. engaged some boskos who seemed to like the idea of killing a "defenseless" science vessel, boy were they wrong. minor damage, 100% suceess on weapons test...

...entered the omicron alfa system, known to be pirate space. looks like we came at the right time, no enemy ships in close vicinity...

...have now flown into the genesis system. took the liberty to dock on the freeport base to restock the ship abnd repair some minor damage we received on our journey. met up with a few spacetravellers in the bar, turns out they themselves had recently been "lucky" enough to encounter the CCoF. given them a few alternative travel roots that will lead them well out of reach of them pirates. to return the favor they have offered to supply the UHG with their goods. turns out to be a good deal for both sides...

...left the freeport base and are now close to the jumphole that will bring us to the gateway system. i have a feeling i overlooked something...

...yep, found out what, seems they have planted the jumphole to nirvana in agigantic minefield. at least that answers why the diplomatic corps did not take this job. just my luck...

...**personal log**
them fraggin mines. have lost some good crewman in here. hull breaches on two decks. luckily lifesupport and shields are still working. i hope they have a good shipyard in nirvana. have sent an encrypted report to UHG Command, briefing them on our current situation...

...have just entered the nirvana system, long range scans indicate there are only 2 bases in this system. one of them is a class m planet. have docked on the base as it seems the more likelier place to repair the galileo. looks like we will be stuck here for a week...

...met up with the base officials. after long talks it seems they are able to supply us with powerful weaponry for our ship and most of all for the UHG in generell...

...**personal log**
have received a message from home. due to the substancial damage our ship has received we are as of this minute on a weeks r&r. got me and my crew shipped to planet woodstock. looks like i might enjoy this week

...Caledonia signing off...
...stand by your brother, die for the clan...
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Sirius Stardate *20110402.1922*

This is the log of UHG Science Vessel "Galileo" ID Nr. 1969.07
*Callsign: Clever Cloggs***Commander: Caledonia*

...**personal log**
i have just been informed by our hosts that the repairs on the galileo have been completed. furthermore we have been fitted two new torpedo launchers as a small surprise, paid of course by the UHG officials. goes without saying that my gut feeling is trying to tell me that we are gonna be given an assignment where they are gonna be used.
me and my crew have gone through thick and thin ever since we boarded this science vessel for the first time. we have become a family, and of course my main concern is the well being of the crew. sadly, being captain of the ship i donīt always have the luxury to put this on top of our missions priorities.

a shuttle has arrived on woodstock to bring us back to the ship, and what a surprise, we have been given new orders. looks like we are now officially back in business. yahoo, not.

...**personal log: securitycode#####**
we have been ordered to leave the nirvana system and head for the rheinland sector. it seems a bunch of hessian renegades have attacked an outpost in the dusseldorf system. as their allies we have been asked for assistance and it is the "honor" of the galileo to follow this plea. apperently the rheinland fleet has been engaged in a major battle in a different sector and isnīt able to dispatch ships of their own.

...Caledonia signing off...
...stand by your brother, die for the clan...
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Sirius Stardate *20110609.0835*

This is the log of UHG Science Vessel "Galileo" ID Nr. 1969.07
*Callsign: Clever Cloggs***Commander: Caledonia*

...**personal log: securitycode#####**
it has been a long time since i had the time to update my personal log. far too long. much ahs happened since and much has changed. the last mission i took part was some months ago. we were supposed to aid our rheinland allies, but something went terribly wrong. on route to New Berlin the Galileo was intercepted by 3 unidentified ships. all efforts to make contact failed, needless to say we were fired upon instead. so unable to reason with them we were forced to defend ourselves. who could have forseen how the battle would end. it was a long and fierce fight. no one willing to stand down. we were able to cripple one ship, but had received major damage to some of our main systems in the process.
unable to defend us for much longer i gave the order to try and escape. our attackers weren´t going to make it that easy.
hull breaches were inevitable but were able to be contained. by a stroke of long our scanners picked up a nebula close by. long range scans weren´t able to to penetrate it, so we would have to fly in bindly not knowing what would be in there. it couldn´t be as bad as the situation we were in. and they would have the same problem. we hoped we could use this to our advantage.
after entering the nebula i ordered a course change. this should confuse our followers. altering the course to fly close to the outer perimeter of the nebula, but still far enuff to keep us covered. everything went quiet, on the main screen everyone on the bridge could only see flashes of light now and then. it seemed our enemies were firing aimlessly into the nebula. after what seemed an eternity the lights seized. seemded we had evaded them. what a stroke of luck.

it was time to accertain just how much damage we had received. meeting up with my chief of engineers and my medical team, it didnt look to good. we had lost nearly a third of the crew and the ship was slowly but steadily falling apart. we would have to abondend ship. not the kind of thing a captain is wiling to do, but at this time we were running out of options. the ship couldn´t be salvaged and my main concern now was to think of the well being of my crew. so while the rest of my crew were boarding the escape pods, my heads of staff and myself headed for the bridge to activate the self-destruct sequence. no one was laying hands on my ship when we left. it wa standard military protocol, it was a too higher risk for all the data on our main frame to fall into the wrong hands...

that mission turned out to be the last mission of the UHG Galileo.....

setting the time to 15 minutes the last of us boarded an escape pod and shot out into space. when the ship exploded we were already at a safe distance, it sadend me to see my ship blow up. it had been my first command, who knew if after all this i would ever get another chance to commandeer a ship....

....after what seemded days, the pods had traveled close to a major trading route. there we had the luck to come a long a delegation from starfleet that were heading back home from peace talks with the tekagi samurai. we were all beamed on board and were taken to deep space 9. there we would be able to come to rest. our hosts were going to contact UHG Command and inform them of what had happend...

a week later, Admiral Carter arrived from Unicornz to talk to me in person......

...Caledonia signing off...
...stand by your brother, die for the clan...
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This is the log of UHG Science Vessel "Defiant" ID Nr. 1969.07.10
*Callsign: Clever Cloggs***Commander: Caledonia*

...**personal log: securitycode#####**
it was now a month ago that we had been in a fight that might have killed me and my entire crew. "luckily" it cost us only the Galileo. Admiral Carter had paid us a visit on DS9 shortly after the incident. UHG Command were eager to know why they had lost one of their finest science vessels.
the "interview" took nearly 2 long days. afterwards i felt exhausted, i would rather fight a klingon mob barehanded then face another interview like that.
Admiral Carter sent his report home and after reading thoroughly it was concluded that there had been no other choice. i was in the clear, as if i was concerned about that, me and my crew had survived. everything else those pencil pushing pussys could shove it up their wormhole.
the dilema i was facing now was, were me and my crew gonna be assigned a new ship?

funny enough, admiral carter evaded my inquiry. looks like all i could do was wait....

.....hagve just been ordered to the commanding officers of DS9. was this a good omen? i heard so much about him. apparently the local population on planet bajor thought of him as their emissary. all superstitious mumbo jumbo if you asked me, but i wasnīt bound to speak my oppinion on this matter in public.....

....well, the meeting was a bit of surprise for me. funny enough, admiral carter had also been present... to cut a long story short, it seems that starfleet are as curious as the UHG Command to find out just where these hostile ships came from. to underline the importance of this starfleet has decided to issue me with one of their toughest little ships they had to offer. it was of the defiant class, built during the great borg threat. rumors says, the defiant packs quite a punch. now i was more than eager to find that out for myself.
well, looks like we are back in buishness ....

Commander of the UHG Defiant signing off
...stand by your brother, die for the clan...
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