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@  McKooter : (14 August 2024 - 08:54 PM) hi again, a year later :)
@  McKooter : (22 August 2023 - 02:08 AM) saying hi again. Ill check back in a bit
@  Tom_Horn : (19 March 2022 - 01:09 AM) What's up? :)
@  Slayer : (26 February 2022 - 11:31 AM) Sad to know that Madcat passed away. Rest in peace!
@  McKooter : (11 September 2021 - 08:16 PM) RIP Madcat. I only come here every few months. God we seem to lose some people. :( seriously.
@  Ragman : (24 May 2021 - 07:04 PM) To EVERYBODY: It is with deepest sympathy that I inform the community that MadCat passed away on the 19th of May this year. He will be missed.
@  Ragman : (24 May 2021 - 07:02 PM) Mckooter, I think Cursor is still paying for this
@  Caprica : (11 February 2021 - 06:55 AM) Доброго времени суток Всем
@  Caprica : (26 January 2021 - 06:07 PM) hi All
@  Slayer : (16 January 2021 - 05:13 PM) Hello
@  McKooter : (03 January 2021 - 04:39 PM) @Rags, yeah just was messing about again today and popped back in to see if its still up. Are we even sure who is paying for this place?
@  Ragman : (06 December 2020 - 10:59 PM) OMG This is still here
@  McKooter : (31 August 2019 - 02:12 AM) what!? a new site?? i slaved over this place :D eyo to fenris, rags, and ahroun
@  Fenris_Wolf : (14 July 2019 - 01:56 PM) Awesome. After much pissing around I can login again. Just a reminder we've got a new website running at https://tekagis.ca and a discord server https://discord.gg/psX8HBu
@  Ragabash : (10 July 2019 - 07:32 PM) Tekagis must rise again
@  Ahroun : (10 July 2019 - 07:31 PM) OMG I can't believe this login still works!!!  :blink:
@  McKooter : (26 June 2019 - 02:52 AM) just stopped in to say hi if anyone reads this still
@  MINDDRIVE : (01 June 2019 - 12:46 AM) ello ello
@  The_Fiddler : (11 March 2019 - 03:18 AM) 10 active user(s) (in the past 15 minutes) Play, play !!!
@  The_Fiddler : (10 March 2019 - 04:48 PM) Looking forward to explore this mod again :)


-Starfleet- Headquarter

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Database access requires personal code...continue
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Ship Class: Defiant
Ship Code: -Starfleet-DSTRYR
Captain : Holographic Medical Assistance (HMA)
Personal Log File Stardate 060220111429

Log File 1 From HMA to -Starfleet- Command:
I was activated 3 hours ago from Ships main Computer after he decided its an medical case out here and in fact: IT IS!
I didn´t know whats happened to this Ship or his Crew, personal Logfiles of the Crew Members are gone, no one is on this Ship and i have no access to main Functions of the Computer..
The Computer can tell me absolut Nothing about the Crew or whats happened here before i was activated. It is weird.. Its like this ship never ever had an own crew! In the Personal Quarters I found nothing that point out that ever an crew was onboard and nothing personal (No Posters,Log Files,Clothing,Food or even Replicators are Brand new and are offline..)
Outer Ship cameras Show me that the Defiant was attacked and i noticed that the ships Markings are complete wrong..
Paintings everywhere that tells me The Owner is DSTRYR? what the heck goes on here?
Please contact me and give me personal Instructions what I can do
I am an Medical Hologramm and not an tactical or Engineering Programm so i can do absolutely Nothing..
MHA will deactivate till Computer activates me again...
MHA off

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Incoming message
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Ship Class: Defiant
Ship Code: -Starfleet-DSTRYR
Captain : Holographic Medical Assistance (HMA)
Personal Log File Stardate 060220111429

*read message
"Darn" DSTRYR said "the MHA was activated? I leave the Defiant alone in fact it was Worthless for me.. the Ship was good for an long time and i thought it was destroyed by Pirates an long time before.. Why it is out there? Why does it survive? i leave it without shields and without any Crew and it survived? I need to send the rest of my Bot-Controlled Ships out there to proof why the heck it is in 1 Piece! I Thought the -Starfleet Ships couldnt take such an Trip in Sirius? Who knows.. "

DSTRYR thought about the good times he had with -=USS=- Fleet and thought about the old times as he was known as an good guy... underpaid but with huge privileges and good pilots on his side.. "Who knows" he think "who knows why the heck now the Defiant returns and the Computer activates...."
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Database access requires personal code...continue
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Ship Class: Defiant
Ship Code: -Starfleet-DSTRYR
Captain : Holographic Medical Assistance (HMA)
Personal Log File Stardate 060220111919

Log File 2 From HMA to -Starfleet- Command:
Again i was activated but no one is out there.. it must give an Reason for that the Ship is again in Red Alert and no one is in Scanner Range.. But: the Computer turns on the Ship Systems, activates the Shields and makes the Weapons fire Ready.. i Didnt know whats going on here and i didnt have any Contact from Starfleet Command till now.. Ship logs show me an Startup from 0 and the Computer shows me an contact from another Starfleet Ship but it has a never seen shape so the Computer turns on automatically Defensive cababilities.. an Incoming Data Stream was blocked at half and the Fragments makes no sense..
It Shows an Autopilot course to an System Pyxis and the coordinates for an Meeting with.. The Rest is Scrambled and the Computer didnt give me the access of the Datas..
hopefully i Survive this.. Silly i am an Holographic Programm but i didnt want to Die here alone,, no Data Core to Transfer myself is onboard so i must hope that anybody came to explain me my Situation
MHA off

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DSTRYR walks around in his Room on Tanjas Base in Colorado..

"Well, i never thought this could happen again " he thinks " I was alone after my experimental Warpdrive took me here in this timeline to Sirius,and i left my old Life Behind me and didnīt even thought about this could happened to me.. bored,empty of ideas to give my life any sense in this time and just fly around with Remoted Drones to bring a piece of my old life back to my brain.. i was sick of all my memories and feelings i have.."
He walks around and opened his personal Starfleet LOG he had in the Trunk under his Table..
Last Entry was from Stardate 1608081430:

To Starfleet Command: Admiral Brunner
from: Cptn. D.S.Trypher Commander of the Starship -=U.S.S.=-Undertaker

To Fleet Command:
With this message I lay down my commando and my Rank in the Fleet!
I am sick of the commandos i receive from the Commando Structure. Since we arrived the Sirius Sector,all we can do here is sit and see whats happenend in this timeline.. We are 355 men and an fully functionally ship and all we do is watch ! over and over we see humans that fought about each other! man,woman,kids.. all dieing in front of our eyes and all you say is : Think about your Directives!
Shame about the Prime Directives.. In this Timeline after we arrived and contact the Fleet Commando and tell them our storie the only order was : dont do anything! My Ship is fully capable to help a World out of their trouble and we should only watch how they die?
Shame about the Directive! Shame about me and my Crew that we do nothing over an Year now..
If we should do nothing, we are nothing!
We will leave our Ship in an System far away and will get it non-functional and non scanable to others so this timeline is safe.. but I and the whole Crew lay down our Uniform and say : Shame over you and your non-doing in this Timeline..
Cptn. D.S.Trypher say goodbye to Starfleet..

D.S.TRYphR struggled and cries after he read his own message to Command..
"Why?Why i should do nothing? thats they want 3 Years ago and now?
All The commando has changed... New tecnics and ships were build ..new commando Structure was build...my old Ship is here! now! Why? "

He tooks an Beer of his bar and opened the Trunk.. The Black-Red Uniform is still there.."man i need an Drink,really" he thought and get strictly to the Bar...
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Database access requires personal code...continue
Enter Code: xxxxxx
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Ship Class: Defiant
Ship Code: -Starfleet-NCC74210
Captain : Holographic Medical Assistance (HMA)
Personal Log File Stardate 070220112005

Log File 3 From HMA to -Starfleet- Command:

MHA is still active.. I am totaly confused now.. after the Ship do an quick ride with the Autopilot on, we arrived our Destination coordinates for an meeting to become orders,so the log entry of the Computer....
Silly, but : The Ship renames itself... From DSTRYR to NCC-74210. After an new reboot of the Ship Systems all Systems are on and on Yellow alert.. The Ship itself stops in this System and I can see an Planet and 2 NCC1701-D Ships , but they doesnt take any note of us or react???
However, i can do nothing..intercom and all sub systems are on , but i have no control about the Ship.. Its mad.. Had the Crew left the Ship becouse the Computer had an burnout-Syndrom or something??? i didnt know i had no control and only can watch and report...
Please give me orders or get my Programm out of this Ship to any other Starfleet Ship

MHA Off and awaiting answer..

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DSTRYR awakes at his Quarter with big headaches at his Intercom is beeping..
"DSTRYR here" he snoggled in the micro "who wants to disturb me at such an time.. ohhh.."
"Capta.. " a sleek female voice talks.. "is this.. you? good to hear about somebody i know... what the heck goes on here.. we came to help your stranded ship and landed in what? whats going on here? all is so difficult! Who the heck are we?"
DSTRYR are complete awake now.. he jumps of his bed and to the stationairy comlink at the wall and opened the Screen : "Kira? YOU? HERE? " His voice struggled and he fell of his knees and begins to pray.. "My goddess they send an Rescue command? from my Timeline? oh noo they are doomed here.." he thought ...."Kira, where are you? your scanners should show an System Name.. Tell me where you Hell you are..."
"Captain..Why you doesnt wear your uniform? and where is your Ship and your Crew?" DSTRYRīs Eyes are wide open.. "Kira, stay where you are.. do NOTHING! till i met you there!!! Send me your coordinates and land on the next Planet you see... YES YOU CAN LAND AT THE PLANET ! DONT ASK DONT DO ANYTHING TILL I MET YOU! ITS AN DIRECT ORDER!" DSTRYR shouts and the woman seems to be complete confused... "YE..Yes SIR! COORDINATES SEND! Cptn.Kira out"
DSTRYR looks at the incoming coordinates.. "Good" he think "they are safe if they stay there..but i must go out there to explain what happened.. do they have return capabilities? or did they just stranded here?
Darn i must go there but with what type of ship.. if i came with my death Glider they are completely confused...

" THATS IT!" he shouts and ran to his Transmitter..
after an hard exchange fight at the transmitter the BASE give him his Museum Ship :an perfect rebuild of the NX-01 "Thats Perfect" he smiles, open his trunk and suits on his old Uniform.. "Well Time to Explain" his suits fits perfect and he looks really good he think as he leave his quarter and go to the Hangar..
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" Kira, welcome to Sirius.." D.S.Trypher mets her on her Akira Class Gunboat with Marking NCC- 63549 on the Bridge" Well,they gave you the Thunderchild? Only to search for me? after all that time?" He steared at her and cant believe she is real here..
"Captain, ahrm , well" She looks on the floor " We not really search for you,we had an brand new Warp-Core and just was on testing Phase as we.. landed here.." She looked at his Eyes "Starfleet just give Order to bring the Warp-Core online you tested a couple of weeks ago and.. "
"Wait a minute.." D.S.Trypher said "A couple of Weeks? I am here since 3 Years now and i never thought i see my old Fleet again.." "What? Your Ship is officially missed since 5 Weeks and we found much pieces of it.. we thought you was destroyed and begans a new set of tests with the experimental Warp-Core but at computer Diagrams never was any problems so Starfleet decides to get it Online on all Ships.. Oh my God! What if all the Ships...." Kira cant get her words finished as an Incoming Transmission came through the Intercom : "To all out there: Here is the Starship Yukatan from Starfleet we get an Emergency out here.. can anybody repeat us?"
D.S.Trypher and Kira look at each other.. "darn, that will be an loong day" he said "Kira please give an quick explanation to him and give him the coordinates.. i will explain you and the other Crew all i swear.. Do you have real! alcohol on your Ship?"
Kira smiles.. "Well Captain, i think you have an loong list to explain.. and Sir this is an Starfleet Ship..Alcohol?Realy?" She lough and boh take an visit at the Planets Bar to await the other Ship..
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Personal Ships Log of the NCC-74568D.S.
Ship Class : Defiant NX
Captain: D.S.Trypher
Log Entry 1

A Many views have changed and a lot happened after my Old Fleet pops up to Sirius.. I am Back in an Captains Chair after an while now, my Crew is Brand new and also i have to Explain a lot to the -Starfleet- Command in this Timeline.. Man a lot has changed after 3 Years of non-contact the Fleet in this timeline.. only an short overwiev whats happened the last Days i am back in captains Chair
I started with an Brand new Ship in Colorado, just bought it on Planret Colorado,switched it in Galileo to an small Scout ship with Cloak and -Starfleet- design, so i can directly fly through Inner Sol to take an visit at my old Command and contact Admiral Henson to explain the Situation that my Fleet from my Timeline is also stranded here and we just need help to get them back.. but it turned completely around..
As i entered Inner Sol i was directly contactet from an unknown Ship.. An BS at the Inner Sol main Planet warns me to lower my Shield and give an Reason for my being in this System.Its ID shows me That is Factioned as An Trader Alliance Ship with markings [AToS].I explain my situation and say that i must contact -Starfleet- and asked for permission to dock on the Planet.After he [AToS] Ship give me the hint that the Person i searched for is unknown and even -Starfleet- Command is unknown , my confusion about this fact blows my mind into space.. after I had the permission to dock i finished my Transfers at the Planet, buy the Defiant and make an quick deal at the Bar.
I contact the - Starfleet Commando- with an Console at the Bar, make an short overview of the Situation that now we have 3! - Starfleet Ships of my timeline here ( till yet), 1 Ship only with an MHA on board and I have finally no Control over this Ship and we ( I and the other 2 Captains) awaiting commandos what we should do now, and we cant stay at 1 System, settle down and do nothing!
I returned to my Defiant- Class Ship of Sirius -Starfleet-.
Well, this Ship is like mine i flown at my timeline, but a bit "underpowered" from its defensive capabilities.. After i undock and give and friendly "thanks, fly save and live long and prosper" to the [AToS] Ship, i thought of my old Ship that brings me in this timeline, the abandoned U.S.S. Undertaker..
I know its capabilities, so my old crew and i leave the Ship abandoned so nobody can ever find it and use it for own plans.. but now all has changed so i take an visit at her , i cried to rip her off , but i need her armory and firepower for my new Ship , so i left her after i take an last view at the bridge, make an salut and finished my visit with an flyby and make an last picture..
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with an bad feeling I left her..

Next turn was to get my Ship fully functional.. after an short visit at the Plato- System where the rest of the Ships awaits my return , I get help from the Engineers and the Crews of the other Ships, they make all perfect, but the Shields and the Scanners, the Torpedos and the Phasers are very outdated, so i decided to upgrade it to make it very ... well.. transform it to an Sirius-Ship, so the other captains decides to give me an new Crew of 23 men to fully operate the Systems and to Inform them what going on here and make trips to systems so they can learn till we awaiting what we should do..
After the Ship was Flyable, i take an visit to an outer System, where i get new hull- platings, weapons and an nice "upgrade" ...
At this run we met an other [AToS] Ship , this time an fighter (why the heck is an alone Fighter in the Middle of an mine- Field and why the heck needs an Trader Alliance so much Power???, but anyway i have other problems at this time...)
We both fly through the Mine-Field-Corridor to get into the good protected JH to Nir...(rest Scrambled) to take the last upgrades of my Ship that i will use till i finished my "Science-Tour" through Sirius .
On the JH i make an picture of an unknown Species... it is an Ancient who protect the JH? I never see this Ship Class before.. its look like an "BMW" Its an Vehicle Humans used on earth at the 20 century.. Anyway, a quick scan of the Ship Shows me that an offensive attack of this Ship NO ONE! could survive.. Posted Image
The Fighter indeed makes an profitable request via my Transponder : Transportation of Equipment for an [AToS] Ship in Colorado. Well i have nothing about this.. the [AToS] seems to be not aggressive and i could need alliances if i become orders.. so i accepted the offer (profit is never false) and loaded the equipment i should transport and finished with him the route to Colorado..
My Crew had learned a lot from this quick run and i hope they can give their Captains good tips and hints how to Fly through Sirius.
The Rest of the Route home with the now fully operational Ship was affected with an good flavour.. new contacts was build up and the ship now is how i like it..
Log 1 END

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Personal Logfile of Starship DS Junior

Entry1 to Command:

Today i make my first Report to Starfleet since i Arrived In Sirius:

After I Arrived in Siriusi get quick Instruction from my
Commander D.S.Trypher i started with an new Defiant who was build in inner Sol..
My Prime Directives for the first flights are:

- Searching for Friendly Contacts in Sirius
- Do much research of what equipment is mountable on my Shipclass
- Test-Phase of the Offensive and defensive Capability of this Ship
- Studying the Rules of the Sirius-Universe
- Learn flying without computer-controlled Interface

After an meeting with an Amazing Battleship piloted by [APOC] i must accept that my offensive capabilitys are not enough.. must do more research what equipment definatly is needed...
The BS-Commander give me an Chance to Flee with enourmous damage on all! Systems.. he couldnt believe that an Defiant dont stop to attack even all Systems Fail and the Whole Ship is an Giant Fireball...
He stops firing and so my life and the life of the crew were safe.. I think he had seen that we wouldnt flee.. Did he Respect me? Or didnīt he want to blow me up? Weapon failure? didnīt know exactly...
An friendly Merc named Spirit entered the System and started an enourmous fight with the Battleship...
Anyway i started to contact the Merc-Ship to started an Conversation with Her..
she was willing to train me and my crew since she saw that i did need Training in Combat Situations..
after 2 Dogfights i get an Quick Message from my command:
- Return to Plato, we must talk ASAP!!!
What the Heck goes on there.. anyway i get only 2 Hours to get there, so i decide to get an Warmly "Goodbye" and get strictly to Command...

Report End
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Stardate 300520111853

To Fleet Command:

After a long period of being ignored by my Command and get no Orders what to do , I give orders to my Fleet to Explore this Sector, find Friends and lean back for a while till you need Them.

Nothing happens, we got no Orders what to do , so we decided to get our way and make what we can do to Grow and be respected by the Citizens of Sirius.

But: I must Inform the Command that multiple Starfleet - Ships are in Combat situations with some "unfriendly suspects" out in the Sector and in most cases are destroyed or wrecked by the technology of them. See that we are in sirious trouble and no backup from the Fleet Command. So I made an Decision for my Group : we take all of the Technologies we can find out there and new Ships so we can Survive and strike back this Forces.

If no of our Ships can survive we leave them in our space till we can upgrade them to survive ...

Comm. D.S.Trypher

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Stardate 0107200111955.8

Last Command News To Fleet Headquarter:

This is my last message from me and my other captains to Command!!

From this time on, we, the -Starfleet- Ship Captains, go our way to make our lives in this timeline, the Command did nothing to support or give any help to us

This will be the last message you will get from us from this time on -Starfleet- Ships will be no longer under your command!!

We will protect our Ships on our newly builded Base and we will no longer be seen!
D.S.Trypher off

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