The dark days came; everywhere we went was plagued with a bio mutation cell that infected every material known. This infected our bodies, our ships. Our hulls would rot on entering space and within a jump hole our ships would fall apart.
It was impossible.
The long darkness it would seem was never ending for †*F.T.S*†, the constant struggle of an invisible entity that is and was unknown to Sirus was killing us. We searched for months and years to find the origination of the entity so that we could find the cure, but, alas... our efforts was futile!
One by one they fell, our comrades was subjected to suffering beyond control, it seemed that hell was on Sirus, or at least within our space. We could trust no one; the council had decided that it was not in our best interest not to disclose such information of this cell/ entity in the event that we lost trade.
It was evident that that this problem was only ours, as no other council had alerted us of this problem.... so, we kept it to ourselves; fearing quarantine, fearing revenue, fearing the ultimate system breakdown that would eventually cause chaos.
We could not allow our people to suffer as we were in space, they were safe on their planets. They didn’t know. How could we let them know, how could we let Sirus know? If we did, then trade would stop, people all over our system would suffer...... we had to find the cure...
One sun down, I ventured out to Achaikos going from Tau31 to Tau23, I was on a typical run exploring when I came across this pilot through the rocky wilderness... I had not seen him before, or have I seen him since.....
I sent out a scan on his ship. The return collection of information was obscure to say the least. The scan indicated some unknown organism within his hulls. I haled the Freighter and to my astonishment, it was me!
Needless to say, I was as shocked as I was! After several hours of talking to my self – I told my self that the answer to my problems was actually inside me.
My Older self went on to inform me that my present problem was due to myself, he would not tell me the whole story as not to bend or disrupt the time continuum of space. He only said that, I have to be alone, I have to never ever live with others, I can never be part of anything or I will destroy it....
I/He could only say that that in order to save our worlds was for me to bear the cross....
I now have only one safe guard to all other beings in contact with me, one thing now that keeps me alive and my ships safe from this unknown..................
The †Takagis Crosses †
I only hope that I am alone, and there is no other that bears my burden of my apparent kind......
I am alone........ hopefully no one will carry the burden of the ††
After receiving the Crosses, I asked myself..... how was it that my hulls were infected when I did the scan in Tau23? I told my self that it was because I knew I was coming .............................
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Tekagis Crosses
Started by ?TigerTailz?, Jun 10 2010 09:33 PM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 10 June 2010 - 09:33 PM

Posted 25 June 2010 - 08:55 PM

Through the abyss of madness of what I had discovered I mentally grounded myself to a degree, now that I had the Tekagis Crosses I was free....
The mental disruption to my sanity, or insanity as the case may be, had wavered slightly; it was difficult to see myself in old age, it was and still is difficult to grasp the perception of traveling in time...
I was and still am bewildered by the possibility of future travel, that there is either a vortex that allows time travel or a vortex that allows sight to the parallel universe........ or both!
I pondered for some time as to the possibilities that I could either have been talking to myself i.e that I / he was from the future... or, I/he was in fact in the same time continuum but on a different parallel... I guess I concluded that either way, I was not me in the sense that I didn’t look the same as I did that day.
I found myself ‘Baffled’ of the ‘unknown’... and so, I went on.......
After departing from my ‘home world’ and everything I knew, it was apparent after some time that this was going to be / is a lonely life. Travelling through space, trying to save what I had, building some kind of future on my own.
There were moments where I wished to return to my friends, although I knew this was not possible due to the omen I appeared to have been burdened with.
Story so far:
An unknown entity was ravishing FTS space, the takagis crosses was the answer to the burden of the system and people. TC (Tekagis Crosses) saved the system to the deficit of one being - the one that holds the (††).
The (†) has found him/ herself in Time Travel, seeing its self in the future, not knowing whether its the future or some kind of vortex to a parallel universe.
The (†) has left planet Tau31 to go alone with the TC's (††)..
The †'s has now realized the future.....................
The mental disruption to my sanity, or insanity as the case may be, had wavered slightly; it was difficult to see myself in old age, it was and still is difficult to grasp the perception of traveling in time...
I was and still am bewildered by the possibility of future travel, that there is either a vortex that allows time travel or a vortex that allows sight to the parallel universe........ or both!
I pondered for some time as to the possibilities that I could either have been talking to myself i.e that I / he was from the future... or, I/he was in fact in the same time continuum but on a different parallel... I guess I concluded that either way, I was not me in the sense that I didn’t look the same as I did that day.
I found myself ‘Baffled’ of the ‘unknown’... and so, I went on.......
After departing from my ‘home world’ and everything I knew, it was apparent after some time that this was going to be / is a lonely life. Travelling through space, trying to save what I had, building some kind of future on my own.
There were moments where I wished to return to my friends, although I knew this was not possible due to the omen I appeared to have been burdened with.
Story so far:
An unknown entity was ravishing FTS space, the takagis crosses was the answer to the burden of the system and people. TC (Tekagis Crosses) saved the system to the deficit of one being - the one that holds the (††).
The (†) has found him/ herself in Time Travel, seeing its self in the future, not knowing whether its the future or some kind of vortex to a parallel universe.
The (†) has left planet Tau31 to go alone with the TC's (††)..
The †'s has now realized the future.....................

Posted 13 July 2010 - 09:05 AM

Date: Unknown.
Without notice, I heard a sound getting closer, building up and sounding louder and louder like a wave coming towards my ship, then......... a BANG.
It all went dark; silence was upon me once again. I’m not sure what happened but I found myself lying on the ground in pain, my whole body felt like I’d been hit by a lightning. I hesitated for a moment in fear of opening my eyes, fearful of what I would see, was I dead? A big flash almost blinded me, I was in the bar of the Battleship Mississippi and for a split second I could see Juni in front of me... and again a big flash, then...................
My engines were silent, a smell of smoldering caught my attention, the crackle of electrics was slowly sounding in my ears. I opened my eyes, struggled to my feet in a panic, and took a blurry peer out of my cockpit window. I could not quite make out, but I thought I could see a ship.
Then the sound of evil came through on the panel “Pay your tax or prepare to die”!
I knew this voice; I had heard this before......
I struggled up to my feet, clambering over debris to my controls. I looked out of the window and there it was, through my slightly non functional eyes I could see a Pirate ship, another message came through, this time more aggressive, “ DO NOT MESS WITH ME PILOT, THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE – PAY THE TAX NOW!”.
I nervously clambered to my console and beamed the credits over with a sigh of relief that my controls still worked. I asked the Pirate if he had shot my ship causing such damage. To my astonishment he stated that he came upon this wreck days earlier, however there were no living entities on the ship then, or was there cargo.
Before I could ask any more questions he left chuckling hideously “have a nice day”.
Without notice, I heard a sound getting closer, building up and sounding louder and louder like a wave coming towards my ship, then......... a BANG.
It all went dark; silence was upon me once again. I’m not sure what happened but I found myself lying on the ground in pain, my whole body felt like I’d been hit by a lightning. I hesitated for a moment in fear of opening my eyes, fearful of what I would see, was I dead? A big flash almost blinded me, I was in the bar of the Battleship Mississippi and for a split second I could see Juni in front of me... and again a big flash, then...................
My engines were silent, a smell of smoldering caught my attention, the crackle of electrics was slowly sounding in my ears. I opened my eyes, struggled to my feet in a panic, and took a blurry peer out of my cockpit window. I could not quite make out, but I thought I could see a ship.
Then the sound of evil came through on the panel “Pay your tax or prepare to die”!
I knew this voice; I had heard this before......
I struggled up to my feet, clambering over debris to my controls. I looked out of the window and there it was, through my slightly non functional eyes I could see a Pirate ship, another message came through, this time more aggressive, “ DO NOT MESS WITH ME PILOT, THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE – PAY THE TAX NOW!”.
I nervously clambered to my console and beamed the credits over with a sigh of relief that my controls still worked. I asked the Pirate if he had shot my ship causing such damage. To my astonishment he stated that he came upon this wreck days earlier, however there were no living entities on the ship then, or was there cargo.
Before I could ask any more questions he left chuckling hideously “have a nice day”.