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(24 May 2021 - 07:04 PM)To EVERYBODY: It is with deepest sympathy that I inform the community that MadCat passed away on the 19th of May this year. He will be missed.
(03 January 2021 - 04:39 PM)@Rags, yeah just was messing about again today and popped back in to see if its still up. Are we even sure who is paying for this place?
(14 July 2019 - 01:56 PM)Awesome. After much pissing around I can login again. Just a reminder we've got a new website running at https://tekagis.ca and a discord server https://discord.gg/psX8HBu
Stardate: 17.01.811 Poor little traders of Sigma-13! Nothing can stop me from getting what i want!!!
My radars picked up two spaceships in Sigma-13, BUT due to those frickin ice clownds, i wasnt able to identify them. Moments later they were gone, and so was i, after taking jumpgate to Frankfurt. Now, i wouldnt usually fly into that Holy Corsarian Mothers forgotten system, but spending time in that cold sigma-13 always makes me hungry. And boy I was hungry! HUNGRY FOR THEIR MONEY AND THEIR BLOOD! Pachyderm, Defiant, and whole bunch of lawful patrols were waiting for me on the other side of the gate. I was reminded that I was wanted dead among most of the lawful factions, as they all opened fire. Everybody was onto me. EVERYBODY. Except those two... They were sitting there and enjoying the show. Fools! I KILLED ALL OF THOSE FRANKFURTIAN MONGLARS!
After i finished off last policemen i approached the traders. Backup was almost there, but those fools had no other choice but to give me all of their money because now, I was onto them. And i was FURIOUS! Desire to kill filled all my body, so i mutilated the pachyderm, and demanded a moral refund from the other one. I took all of his life savings, and left the system. Now i will wait till they earn some more money, and take it all away again. And again.
Stardate: 25.01.811 This morning I was checking the reports of our pilots that came in recently ant one of them caught my special attention. Apparently, a new trading company named AToS was established a few days ago. At first i thought, Great! Another neutral, harmless group, whose pilots will bring solid income into Corsairs accounts...
Thing is, Enrique Estavez, caught one of their representatives in Dublin, holding 9 Corsair pilots in a cargo hold! I couldnt believe my eyes and had to re-read the sentence! The company has just started, and are already showing signs of hostility by capturing our pilots! If it will keep up like this we will have to hunt down the heads of their company one by one, trade in captured vessels to the junkers, and the rest of their pilots will be fed to Cretian dogs on Cretes central square for every Corsair to enjoy! ARGH!
After i regained my temper i continued to read. Report said, AToS representative, agreed to transfer pilots, and pay tremendous amount of money as a fine after he was encountered. Although im not too happy about it, i can understand why Enrique let him live after such huge mistake. The guy said that he got the pilots from the Zoners, and was going to carry them back to Crete, with some kind of offer to Black Scorpion... Sounds like an excuse to me, ill have to see how Black Scorpion feels about it. On the other hand, if this is true, i guess we will be expecting him here on Crete any time soon.
I will know the truth when i speak to the pilots held in hostage after their recovery anyway...
Stardate: 27.01.811 It looks like AToS executive did not lie afterall. I have spoken to all of the Corsair pilots that he held, and his story confirmed. All of them were captured by Zoners in the first place.
As i was taking care of some issues on board of one of our larger vessels located in Gamma, ive received a notice that AToS diplomat was asking a permission to enter our space. Turned out, he was there to meet me and make a business offer. While in our space, he strictly followed orders of Commander Carlos Mendoza, and as a result ended up on our board alive.
To my surprise, Mr. Smith, as he later introduced himself, wasnt alone, but brought another man, Mr Jones. Ill get back to him later. I let Mr Smith do the most of the talking. Afterall, they needed us more, than we needed them. I wont get into details of the proposal they made, just have to say it sounded that their services and knowledge might be helpful, for both CCoF and Corsairs nation as a whole. Although it was clear that our parties shared similar goals and would benefit one from eachother, mans voice was so linear (a true Diplomat) that i started to get bored and my mind got carried away. I started to image how funny both of their faces would look when their limbs would be put through meat grinder, or, while they were both microwaved with one of those torture machines we use on lawful officers that are hard to crack...
"....gift from our CEO". A Gift. THAT IS THE WORD I WAS WAITING FOR ALL THIS TIME! Infact, EVERY conversation with a Corsair should start from this word! Turns out, Mr. Jones, was a man of knowledge, and.... he was never supposed to leave Omicron Gamma again... How good does that sound? Muhuahhahaah. I got excited and got back to listening what he was saying without knowing that this gest wasnt the only surprise he prepared for me. After official meeting part was finished, Mr. Smith asked me to follow him to his ship. Although we have scanned his vessel just right after it jumped to our system, AToS have managed to hide tho persons in their cargo hold. Mr Smith opened the hatch and... TWO ZONER SCUM COME OUT OF IT! Need I say how happy I was about this? Now i didnt had to IMAGINE anything! HA HA HA Ha HHA!
I even let Mr Smith to stay on the ship and have a few drinks on the house! AToS came prepared, and have gained many positive points during their presence in Gamma. I am sure if it will continue like that, our partnership will be very strong and live for a long time!
Stardate: 30.01.811 My god, I was just attacked by one of the CCoF Flammard type fighters!
My radars picked up that ship while i was in magellan, making sure nobody would harm AToS trading vessels. The fighter was approaching me with high speed, so I decided to contact its pilot. After I send three messages and got no answer, things had become suspicious. I tried to identify him by sending identification code request, which supposed to be sent back to me automatically. To my huge surprise i got nothing. NOTHING. Now that i think about it, there was something strange in the movement of that ship, as if it was on autopilot, but i am not sure. As i tried to contact CCoF Headqarters, the ship opened fire on me. A fight started. I managed to destroy him, but the AToS vessel got in the middle of his fire and was destroyed. I am sure AToS will put our relationships under a question once they will notice disappearance of their vessel.
Our best investigators are currently working on this subject. I have no frickin' idea what had happened, but what i know for sure, is that we will know the truth and punish the ones responsible!