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@  McKooter : (14 August 2024 - 08:54 PM) hi again, a year later :)
@  McKooter : (22 August 2023 - 02:08 AM) saying hi again. Ill check back in a bit
@  Tom_Horn : (19 March 2022 - 01:09 AM) What's up? :)
@  Slayer : (26 February 2022 - 11:31 AM) Sad to know that Madcat passed away. Rest in peace!
@  McKooter : (11 September 2021 - 08:16 PM) RIP Madcat. I only come here every few months. God we seem to lose some people. :( seriously.
@  Ragman : (24 May 2021 - 07:04 PM) To EVERYBODY: It is with deepest sympathy that I inform the community that MadCat passed away on the 19th of May this year. He will be missed.
@  Ragman : (24 May 2021 - 07:02 PM) Mckooter, I think Cursor is still paying for this
@  Caprica : (11 February 2021 - 06:55 AM) Доброго времени суток Всем
@  Caprica : (26 January 2021 - 06:07 PM) hi All
@  Slayer : (16 January 2021 - 05:13 PM) Hello
@  McKooter : (03 January 2021 - 04:39 PM) @Rags, yeah just was messing about again today and popped back in to see if its still up. Are we even sure who is paying for this place?
@  Ragman : (06 December 2020 - 10:59 PM) OMG This is still here
@  McKooter : (31 August 2019 - 02:12 AM) what!? a new site?? i slaved over this place :D eyo to fenris, rags, and ahroun
@  Fenris_Wolf : (14 July 2019 - 01:56 PM) Awesome. After much pissing around I can login again. Just a reminder we've got a new website running at https://tekagis.ca and a discord server https://discord.gg/psX8HBu
@  Ragabash : (10 July 2019 - 07:32 PM) Tekagis must rise again
@  Ahroun : (10 July 2019 - 07:31 PM) OMG I can't believe this login still works!!!  :blink:
@  McKooter : (26 June 2019 - 02:52 AM) just stopped in to say hi if anyone reads this still
@  MINDDRIVE : (01 June 2019 - 12:46 AM) ello ello
@  The_Fiddler : (11 March 2019 - 03:18 AM) 10 active user(s) (in the past 15 minutes) Play, play !!!
@  The_Fiddler : (10 March 2019 - 04:48 PM) Looking forward to explore this mod again :)


Proposals for Romania

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    cloned Sheep

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This will be funny and bitter....


New Bucharest: planet ; faction : Romanians
Cotroceni :base (the one from Azariah) ; faction: Basisti
Basescu's Private Yacht :base; faction: Servicii ; this base is inside an asteroid field that can be mined; also the area should feature spawn of New Magyars

Romanians - the true people of Romania, once a proud nation, now trying to rebuild their lives after the demise of Basescu's authoritarian regime, that ruled in full disrespect of law, Constitution, Parliament and almost abolished the separation of powers ; people were promised a good life and were sledgehammered with horrible and unnecessary austerity measures.
-allied to all lawful factions
-allied to Magyars;

Basisti - fervent supporters of the Basescu's regime; they consider him a living god and nicknamed him Zeus ; they still try to forcibly impose the belief in the one ruler that is above everything else to anyone they might encounter; they constantly attack romanian freighters to give people idea that the problems are due to their new leaders.
-allied to unlawful factions;
-flying Bosko ships

Servicii - former members of Romanian secret services, devoted to Zeus; they were sacked after the demise of the regime, for attempting to disrupt the Constitutional order; now they guard Basescu's Private Yacht
- allied to unlawful factions
- allied to Basisti
-flying Flamberges fitted with Phantom lasers

New Magyars - part of the new generation of magyars that do not pay respect to the actual state of Sirius sector; active in Hungaria, Bratislava and Romania systems; they wish to seize control over parts of Romania system, lost at the Peace of New Tokyo treaty after the destruction of Rheinland fleet in Sigma 13;
- neutral to Basisti and Servicii
- red to Romanians, red to Magyars

Later edit: change "Basescu's Private Yacht" to "LAC 1"



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At the moment we have all the new systems in the mod. That is not to say that I am not going to add more, I will be doing in the future. We want to make sure that if a system goes into the mod it as a reason for being there, gone are the days that we are adding just to get an update out.. If its not needed "yet" then it will be considered for later.
