Zeta walks in from the back office, and boots up the main Tavern console. As he does, background music starts to play and some dim lights come on. Keeping to popular demand, the bar is large with several semi isolated dark tables, and a main bar at the front with several bar stools. At the door, which has just unlocked, there is a rotating ring of lockers for weapons, especially firearms, that locks and unlocks with a fingerprint scanner, as well as the bartender locker behind the bar. The most lit place in the tavern, is the dance floor by the music player, for anyone wanting to romantically dance the night away... Just in case. Zeta hears the tone that signals that all security systems are now in place and activated. Zeta finishes stocking the varied bottles of alcohol found all over Sirius, and gives the main bar a quick dusting.
Zeta smiles to himself, the Tekagi's Tavern is now officially open for business.
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Tekagi's Tavern 2010
Started by Zeta, Apr 03 2010 08:40 AM
144 replies to this topic
Posted 03 April 2010 - 08:40 AM
Thank you, Slaughter
Posted 03 April 2010 - 09:59 AM
hm, interesting,Cale mumbles to himself. after various fights with the local pirates on his way to colorado, he had just about managed to land his heavily damaged viper at the local spaceport. the mechanic there had told him the reapirs to his ship would take quite some time.
after asking the mechanic for some distracion in this godforsaken place, Cale had been given the adress of a place called Tekagis Tavern. the drinks were good and the prices reasonable. for a few spacecredits more, certain distraction could even be intensified.
entering the tavern he cant help himself but notice the music player was playing a romantic piece. Yuck, he thinks to himself. last bit he needed now was sentimental crap.
he takes a stool at the bar, looking at the barman he decides to order a double from ragmans destilled poison. raising his glass, he speaks a toast, "hereĀ“s to you, uni. to whatever the next day may bring........
after asking the mechanic for some distracion in this godforsaken place, Cale had been given the adress of a place called Tekagis Tavern. the drinks were good and the prices reasonable. for a few spacecredits more, certain distraction could even be intensified.
entering the tavern he cant help himself but notice the music player was playing a romantic piece. Yuck, he thinks to himself. last bit he needed now was sentimental crap.
he takes a stool at the bar, looking at the barman he decides to order a double from ragmans destilled poison. raising his glass, he speaks a toast, "hereĀ“s to you, uni. to whatever the next day may bring........
...stand by your brother, die for the clan...
Posted 03 April 2010 - 02:47 PM
A short while later cale walked through the door to the right of the tavern, he may have been drunk but that didnt effect his reactions. He saw his opponant imediatly and without hesitation threw himself across the room. Unable to react his opponant just stood against the wall as cale landed a series of vicious blows to the left and right.. two heavy jabs to the centre and finally a ferocious headbutt and all his opponant could do was sag and cough.
Cale smiled as he picked up the 3 pack... and thought to himself, "I must be getting old" there was a time the machine would have spat out some coins too.
Cale smiled as he picked up the 3 pack... and thought to himself, "I must be getting old" there was a time the machine would have spat out some coins too.
Posted 03 April 2010 - 03:05 PM
...a long hard day at the office.
I got up from my desk at AHC (Admin High Command) and was leaving for the evening, when I noticed a flyer on the notice board "Grand Opening, Tekagis Tavern" ..humm I thought to myself, I will have to give that a try sounds interesting and was only a short trip from the office to the bar on Tanya's Base.
................Landing at Tanya's was defiantly a blast from the past, I had not been here for some time. Making my way to the bar was easy, a big sign that said "Tavern this way".
On arrival at the bar a VERY large Zeno's basically told me to store my weapon, I replied, "Do you know who I am", the basic reply was "I do, but even you have to had and stow your weapon Mr Ragman". It was a test, bars that insist on stowing weapons at the door give you that scene protection.
I entered the bar, nodding to the bar keeper and looked around, very nice, a large room with small bays for private chats and chilling out, but the music, .... my gaze was taken by what was behind the bar on a shelf, Whitefang Ale, Im definitely going to be visiting here more often.
Taking a seat at the bar I ordered a glass of the fine stuff, looked into the glass and started to watch the view screen...
I got up from my desk at AHC (Admin High Command) and was leaving for the evening, when I noticed a flyer on the notice board "Grand Opening, Tekagis Tavern" ..humm I thought to myself, I will have to give that a try sounds interesting and was only a short trip from the office to the bar on Tanya's Base.
................Landing at Tanya's was defiantly a blast from the past, I had not been here for some time. Making my way to the bar was easy, a big sign that said "Tavern this way".
On arrival at the bar a VERY large Zeno's basically told me to store my weapon, I replied, "Do you know who I am", the basic reply was "I do, but even you have to had and stow your weapon Mr Ragman". It was a test, bars that insist on stowing weapons at the door give you that scene protection.
I entered the bar, nodding to the bar keeper and looked around, very nice, a large room with small bays for private chats and chilling out, but the music, .... my gaze was taken by what was behind the bar on a shelf, Whitefang Ale, Im definitely going to be visiting here more often.
Taking a seat at the bar I ordered a glass of the fine stuff, looked into the glass and started to watch the view screen...
Posted 04 April 2010 - 02:08 AM
Zeta grins very big at the numbers of people coming in on the first day.
Zeta sees the first person come in, smiling at the tired looking man as he entered. Noticing the weird look he gave the music player, Zeta stops to listen for a second and realizes what was playing. Pulling up the play-list on the console, he realized he had to change that play-list. After scratching his head at the man's order, Ragman's distilled poison, he pulls up the mix list on the console and gives the man a double. After watching Caledonia make his toast, he moves on to the next customer.
As zeta was making his way to the next patron, a crazy drunk man stumbles into the bar and throws himself across the dance floor towards the music machine. Staring at this man, Zeta thinks back to the stories he had heard when he first arrived. "Ah, you must be Jaco I keep hearing about." Zeta smiles and moves on, hoping that Jaco didn't notice the music machine was covered in anti-drunk armor.
As Zeta makes his way back to the bar, he sees the very man who gave him his business permit, Ragman from the AHC, walk into the bar, and also look at the music machine weird. "Ok" Zeta mumbles out loud, "I've GOT to find better music." Zeta notices Ragman staring at the bottle of Whitefang Ale. Muttering to himself, "Glad I made that choice to buy some of that, as expensive as it was" Zeta pours the glass and slides it to Ragman. "How are you doing sir, it's nice to see you in here. Enjoy this one on the house." Zeta says with a smile. "Couldn't have gotten this started without you."
Zeta sees yet another customer walk in, seeming a little nervous without his weapons, which was to be expected. This one was a little dirtier, but looked extremly worn out. Zeta walks up to the table and introduces himself, and takes his order. "Sure thing, I'm sure I have that on hand. I'll be right back with that." Zeta goes back to the bar, grabs the bottle and a glass, and returns to the table. "You look like some kind of miner. Am I right?" As soon as he asks, Zeta's cellcomm beeps. "Excuse me."
On the other end of the call, a smuggler friend he had made recently, warns him of someone he was spying just sitting out of range of Tanya's Base sensors... Just sitting there. "What do you mean it's just sitting there? What good would that do him. He's in the middle of the Colorado System. The AHC wouldn't allow anything to happen to anyone here, and there base is not even 50K away, so I wouldn't worry about it to much, I'm sure they've seen him already... Yeah... No, that's fine. Thanks for the heads up... Later" Zeta shuts the comm off and smiles as he looks up towards Ragman's direction. "Some people." He mutters to himself.
Zeta sees the first person come in, smiling at the tired looking man as he entered. Noticing the weird look he gave the music player, Zeta stops to listen for a second and realizes what was playing. Pulling up the play-list on the console, he realized he had to change that play-list. After scratching his head at the man's order, Ragman's distilled poison, he pulls up the mix list on the console and gives the man a double. After watching Caledonia make his toast, he moves on to the next customer.
As zeta was making his way to the next patron, a crazy drunk man stumbles into the bar and throws himself across the dance floor towards the music machine. Staring at this man, Zeta thinks back to the stories he had heard when he first arrived. "Ah, you must be Jaco I keep hearing about." Zeta smiles and moves on, hoping that Jaco didn't notice the music machine was covered in anti-drunk armor.
As Zeta makes his way back to the bar, he sees the very man who gave him his business permit, Ragman from the AHC, walk into the bar, and also look at the music machine weird. "Ok" Zeta mumbles out loud, "I've GOT to find better music." Zeta notices Ragman staring at the bottle of Whitefang Ale. Muttering to himself, "Glad I made that choice to buy some of that, as expensive as it was" Zeta pours the glass and slides it to Ragman. "How are you doing sir, it's nice to see you in here. Enjoy this one on the house." Zeta says with a smile. "Couldn't have gotten this started without you."
Zeta sees yet another customer walk in, seeming a little nervous without his weapons, which was to be expected. This one was a little dirtier, but looked extremly worn out. Zeta walks up to the table and introduces himself, and takes his order. "Sure thing, I'm sure I have that on hand. I'll be right back with that." Zeta goes back to the bar, grabs the bottle and a glass, and returns to the table. "You look like some kind of miner. Am I right?" As soon as he asks, Zeta's cellcomm beeps. "Excuse me."
On the other end of the call, a smuggler friend he had made recently, warns him of someone he was spying just sitting out of range of Tanya's Base sensors... Just sitting there. "What do you mean it's just sitting there? What good would that do him. He's in the middle of the Colorado System. The AHC wouldn't allow anything to happen to anyone here, and there base is not even 50K away, so I wouldn't worry about it to much, I'm sure they've seen him already... Yeah... No, that's fine. Thanks for the heads up... Later" Zeta shuts the comm off and smiles as he looks up towards Ragman's direction. "Some people." He mutters to himself.
Thank you, Slaughter
Posted 04 April 2010 - 03:58 AM
MatrixSlider stands outside the bar. Flicking a quick glance up at the sign he sighs and mutters to himself, "This must be the place."
After receiving the communique from Evil Brain a week ago, he figured that he had put it off long enough.
With a quick tug born of long practice he straightens his overcoat, and steps into the bar. To the left he notes the big, bold sign full of rules. Shaking his head with a rueful grin, he strides over to the man seated behind an armor plaz barrier bearing the words "Check your iron here" Staring into the man's eyes, he slowly pulls out his twin pistols. With 2 solid thunks, he slaps his weapons on the counter and slides them toward the one way forcefield barrier. Before he lets go, he tells the man. "If anything happens to these, I will use your skin for a seatcover on my ship. Bout time for a new one anyway." Besides, they were his only inheritance from his father. The man just looks up, and says, "They will be safe enough here, just put your print on the pad beside you." With an irreverant grin, MatrixSlider waggles his fingers showing smooth skin, long healed over from the dip in acid. Instead he taps in his code on the keypad to the right.
Heaving another sigh, he enters the bar proper.
Glancing around, he mumbles "Good frackin place for an ambush, brilliant meet place Brain." His eyes took in several arrogant lawfools. In addition to a few pirate friends he has flown with. Walking across the floor, he settles into a booth at the back, pulls his hat lower to shadow his face, and proceeds to wait for his friends.
After receiving the communique from Evil Brain a week ago, he figured that he had put it off long enough.
With a quick tug born of long practice he straightens his overcoat, and steps into the bar. To the left he notes the big, bold sign full of rules. Shaking his head with a rueful grin, he strides over to the man seated behind an armor plaz barrier bearing the words "Check your iron here" Staring into the man's eyes, he slowly pulls out his twin pistols. With 2 solid thunks, he slaps his weapons on the counter and slides them toward the one way forcefield barrier. Before he lets go, he tells the man. "If anything happens to these, I will use your skin for a seatcover on my ship. Bout time for a new one anyway." Besides, they were his only inheritance from his father. The man just looks up, and says, "They will be safe enough here, just put your print on the pad beside you." With an irreverant grin, MatrixSlider waggles his fingers showing smooth skin, long healed over from the dip in acid. Instead he taps in his code on the keypad to the right.
Heaving another sigh, he enters the bar proper.
Glancing around, he mumbles "Good frackin place for an ambush, brilliant meet place Brain." His eyes took in several arrogant lawfools. In addition to a few pirate friends he has flown with. Walking across the floor, he settles into a booth at the back, pulls his hat lower to shadow his face, and proceeds to wait for his friends.
Posted 04 April 2010 - 08:09 PM
About to walk into the bar, the Major is stopped by the bouncer. "Put your compactor in the locker," he growls. Astonished, the Major unclipped his matter compactor from his belt and put into the locker. "How did you know what this was or that I had weapons stored in there?" The bouncer made sure the locker was secured. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out an admin ID. He stuffed it back in before Malfunction could see who he was. "Which admin are you?" he asked. The bouncer glared at him. Trying to avoid a confrontation, the Major quickly entered the bar. "Must be an NPC," he thought to himself.
Malfunction saw an empty table near the window and took a seat. He glanced at the ashtray in the middle of the table. "Nasty habit," he grumbled mixing flash powder into the ashes. "You'd think they would learn how dangerous smoking is by now." Looking at the datapad that had a list of drinks and snacks, he was approached by a rough looking character. "Want some cardamine?" Irritated by the interruption, Malfunction flatly replied that he would rather swim in toxic waste than use such a substance. Shrugging, the dealer left him alone.
He called the bartender over. "Welcome to Tekagi's Tavern," said the barkeep. "What would you like?" Quickly making sure of his choice, he ordered. "I'd like a New Tokyo dragon pear." The bartender recorded his choice on a datapad. "The juice or the mixed drink?" Malfunction scooted his chair forward. "The juice. I don't drink." The bartender nodded and left to prepare his order.
The bartender quickly returned with the beverage. "Thanks," he said and transferred the price of the drink to the bartender's neural net account. After a few moments and glasses, he looked at the news broadcast. There was another TWIX in Omicron Alpha. Deciding to help clear it out, he got his matter compactor from the lockers and left to prepare his ship for launch.
Malfunction saw an empty table near the window and took a seat. He glanced at the ashtray in the middle of the table. "Nasty habit," he grumbled mixing flash powder into the ashes. "You'd think they would learn how dangerous smoking is by now." Looking at the datapad that had a list of drinks and snacks, he was approached by a rough looking character. "Want some cardamine?" Irritated by the interruption, Malfunction flatly replied that he would rather swim in toxic waste than use such a substance. Shrugging, the dealer left him alone.
He called the bartender over. "Welcome to Tekagi's Tavern," said the barkeep. "What would you like?" Quickly making sure of his choice, he ordered. "I'd like a New Tokyo dragon pear." The bartender recorded his choice on a datapad. "The juice or the mixed drink?" Malfunction scooted his chair forward. "The juice. I don't drink." The bartender nodded and left to prepare his order.
The bartender quickly returned with the beverage. "Thanks," he said and transferred the price of the drink to the bartender's neural net account. After a few moments and glasses, he looked at the news broadcast. There was another TWIX in Omicron Alpha. Deciding to help clear it out, he got his matter compactor from the lockers and left to prepare his ship for launch.
Posted 04 April 2010 - 09:21 PM
Zeta was cleaning the bar when he hears the bouncer, a buddy of his named Jim, laughing at the guy walking it. Jim has a deep voice and is very "buffed up", but is actually a very gentle guy... On his good side anyway.
As Zeta is walking towards the man in the overcoat and the hat pulled over his face, he notices a random person trying to sell cardamine. As the dealer is told off, he shrugs and walks off... right into Zeta's hold. Zeta leans in close, hearing is own voice drop to a low growl, "I thought I told you I wasn't allowing dealers to work in here. Get out of my tavern, get off this station, before something very bad happens to you and your precious stockpile. I'm sure Tanya's Base authorities would love to get a hold of that in this system." Looking at the dealers wide eyes, Zeta knew he understood very well what was being implied.
Zeta leaves the dealer and walks to the man the dealer had just talked to. "I apologize for that. I won't happen again, i hope. What would you like?" As Zeta puts the order in, he nods and heads to the bar to retrieve the order, also taking note of the Holo screen in the corner. A few minutes after Zeta gave Major his drink, he ups and leaves, most likely in response to the news.
As Zeta is walking towards the man in the overcoat and the hat pulled over his face, he notices a random person trying to sell cardamine. As the dealer is told off, he shrugs and walks off... right into Zeta's hold. Zeta leans in close, hearing is own voice drop to a low growl, "I thought I told you I wasn't allowing dealers to work in here. Get out of my tavern, get off this station, before something very bad happens to you and your precious stockpile. I'm sure Tanya's Base authorities would love to get a hold of that in this system." Looking at the dealers wide eyes, Zeta knew he understood very well what was being implied.
Zeta leaves the dealer and walks to the man the dealer had just talked to. "I apologize for that. I won't happen again, i hope. What would you like?" As Zeta puts the order in, he nods and heads to the bar to retrieve the order, also taking note of the Holo screen in the corner. A few minutes after Zeta gave Major his drink, he ups and leaves, most likely in response to the news.
Thank you, Slaughter
Posted 04 April 2010 - 11:16 PM
After a long Patrol of the Unicornz system Bladestar along with his companions Dwayne Dibbley and Kryton enter the Tavern hoping to meet up with Cale and Ace Rimmer for a long needed drink and conversation. Dwayne pulls out his trusty Ther-mos and pours his own drink with a disaproving scawl from the Barman Zeta. Then with his usual lack of tact Kryton Questions Zeta" Do you have any Recyc Wine and smoked Kippers you know they're Mr Rimmer's Favorite?"
All the while Bladestar is wishing he'd sat at a differant table alone to wait for his Commander Cale and his long time Mate Ace to arrive.
All the while Bladestar is wishing he'd sat at a differant table alone to wait for his Commander Cale and his long time Mate Ace to arrive.
Posted 05 April 2010 - 03:44 AM
A lone -=WLB=- officer walks into the bar. It's clear from the look of suspicion on his face that he's new here, and is far from comfortable with the idea of sharing a bar with pirates and killers. He stops a few paces past the doorway and looks around. He sees faces that he's nearly killed, and faces that have seen him defy death.
He scowls and makes his way to the bar and speaks to the bartender. "I'm not sure what kind of joint you've got running here, but I don't think I like it... Unfortunately, I wasn't put into this universe to 'like it,' so I won't cause any trouble, so long as the rest of your clients can keep their words and their actions civil. I'll take the strongest stuff you've got, chief, and a table as far away from those scum in the corner as possible."
As the bartender turns around, the -=WLB=- officer takes another look around the bar. He sees familiar faces that belong to former wingmen. They may not be -=WLB=- anymore, but they're still good men and reliable allies. For the first time in several weeks, a smile appears on his face.
"Maybe this place ain't so bad after all."
He scowls and makes his way to the bar and speaks to the bartender. "I'm not sure what kind of joint you've got running here, but I don't think I like it... Unfortunately, I wasn't put into this universe to 'like it,' so I won't cause any trouble, so long as the rest of your clients can keep their words and their actions civil. I'll take the strongest stuff you've got, chief, and a table as far away from those scum in the corner as possible."
As the bartender turns around, the -=WLB=- officer takes another look around the bar. He sees familiar faces that belong to former wingmen. They may not be -=WLB=- anymore, but they're still good men and reliable allies. For the first time in several weeks, a smile appears on his face.
"Maybe this place ain't so bad after all."
It's always too soon when your time is up. Live and die... by the barrel of a gun.
Posted 05 April 2010 - 06:17 AM
Alpha Wolf walks into the bar and thinks to himself (self) what a dive. But he needs a drink as he turns in his weapons except for the one strapped to his leg he looks around and can't help but notice the Hunters and the LSF there. And he thinks I am slipping they should all be dead. He finds a table in the darkest corner and this goofy looking bartender walks up and asked what ya have. He orders a Klingon drink of BLOOD WINE and tells the barkeep to leave the bottle. And sits back and thinks of the days when life was simple and he did not have so much blood and death on his hands, And about that time Stormy walks in with Akira and he thinks how can a pug like that get something like her. As he finishes off the bottle he starts to drift off and thinks to himself (self) you need to settle down and leave this all behind and he hears a bar stool get knocked down and jumps to his feet ready to fight. At that point he thinks no you like the taste of Blood and the thrill of the kill he pays his tab and walks out and shoots the first person he see's and thinks NOW I feel better.
<img src="http://i121.photobuc.../NewestSig.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />
Posted 05 April 2010 - 02:43 PM
As Zeta is cleaning up a table, three hunters walk in, one of which immediately sits down and pours a drink from a thermos... After staring at him for a minute, one of the hunters asks about Recyc Wine and smoked Kippers. Zeta looks them up on his datapad. "I have Recyc Wine, but I don't have the Kippers, whatever those are. I'll have to look for some." Zeta walks up to get the drink.
As he is looking through the wines, a WLB officer walks up and says, "I'm not sure what kind of joint you've got running here, but I don't think I like it... Unfortunately, I wasn't put into this universe to 'like it,' so I won't cause any trouble, so long as the rest of your clients can keep their words and their actions civil. I'll take the strongest stuff you've got, chief, and a table as far away from those scum in the corner as possible." Zeta replies, "Thank you, sir, for not causing trouble. I'd hate to get the security system involved, or worse yet..." Pointing at the bouncer, "Jim... Here's some stuff I think you will like." Zeta places down a few shot glasses and fills them with a green colored liquid. "Enjoy." Zeta grabs Bladestar's drink and brings it to him, noting the "get me out of here" look he was giving his companions.
After giving Bladestar his drink, Zeta's datapad starts vibrating. Zeta looks at it, and up pops a holographic image of Alpha wolf at the entrance turning in all his weapons, or as the red circle on the picture around his leg was showing, ALMOST everything. Zeta primes the sentry just in case. A memory of Alpha Wolf in another bar brings a wide grin to Zeta's face. Zeta walks up to the bar knowing exactly what he was going to order, grabs a tray, a glass, and a bottle of Blood wine. "Yet another good buy on my part, as no one else drinks this crap." He mutters. After leaving the bottle, Zeta is walking up when an attractive young woman enters the bar and grabs his attention, and he kicks over a barstool by accident. Immediatly following, Alpha Wolf pays for the drink and leaves, with an almost fiery look in his eyes.
As he is looking through the wines, a WLB officer walks up and says, "I'm not sure what kind of joint you've got running here, but I don't think I like it... Unfortunately, I wasn't put into this universe to 'like it,' so I won't cause any trouble, so long as the rest of your clients can keep their words and their actions civil. I'll take the strongest stuff you've got, chief, and a table as far away from those scum in the corner as possible." Zeta replies, "Thank you, sir, for not causing trouble. I'd hate to get the security system involved, or worse yet..." Pointing at the bouncer, "Jim... Here's some stuff I think you will like." Zeta places down a few shot glasses and fills them with a green colored liquid. "Enjoy." Zeta grabs Bladestar's drink and brings it to him, noting the "get me out of here" look he was giving his companions.
After giving Bladestar his drink, Zeta's datapad starts vibrating. Zeta looks at it, and up pops a holographic image of Alpha wolf at the entrance turning in all his weapons, or as the red circle on the picture around his leg was showing, ALMOST everything. Zeta primes the sentry just in case. A memory of Alpha Wolf in another bar brings a wide grin to Zeta's face. Zeta walks up to the bar knowing exactly what he was going to order, grabs a tray, a glass, and a bottle of Blood wine. "Yet another good buy on my part, as no one else drinks this crap." He mutters. After leaving the bottle, Zeta is walking up when an attractive young woman enters the bar and grabs his attention, and he kicks over a barstool by accident. Immediatly following, Alpha Wolf pays for the drink and leaves, with an almost fiery look in his eyes.
Thank you, Slaughter
Posted 05 April 2010 - 09:39 PM
"What a horrible place for a pirate to be" - thought Nobodie leaving his guns in a locker while being observed by one of the goons operating in the bar, "and what a horrible place to make the deal of such importance, as if HE couldn't have chosen less crowded place... Thinks only about his safetiness...smartass, could have provided the god damn security code, but no, i had to do it all by myself!". Nobodie was mad at the man, because af all troubles it caused him to get to this place. However he knew that soon it will greatly pay off... He was very nervous, as he was going to make a deal of the century, that would help Corsairs and the CCoF to expand their area of interest and stop Police raids in their controlled space once and for all.
While walking forward the bar he counted 5th table on his left and took a sit. "This is the spot" he thought. The window next to the table he sat was oriented to the dark and endless space, with less stars than a human could count on his fingers... He was pleased by the fact that he did not have to stare at Planet Denver, as he hated it pretty mutch as everything else that belong to the Colonies.
"- Good evening sir, what can i get you?" asked a bartender. Nobodie didnt even notice how he approached his table. The name sign on his chest said "Zeta".
"- I will have Soylent Green, please" politely answered the pirate.
"- Anything for a drink?" with an evil grin inquired Zeta, although his expression was not an object of Nobodies attention.
"- Water.., just... plain... water..." slowly said Nobodie lowering his voice. He was looking at the group of people over a table in the other corner of the Tavern.
"Liberty protectors of justice... Just look at them, sitting here, laughing and drinking with all their fancy, blue uniforms, shiny and clean leather boots, stupid badges and idiotic rank buttons" - He noted to himself in disgust.
Nobodie was sitting there alone, at the table, in a black robe he wore over his mixed brown/yellow Corsair suit. He certainly did not want to be exposed as there were more important things to do than getting in a fight with some Libertonian scum. The hoodie was hiding his face, dropping shadow from the helion light installed on the ceiling in the center of the bar.
Zeta brought him his meal and went to change a tune on the music player.
Nobodie did not touch his food. He was not hungry, and, actually ordered the first thing that came to his mind. What he really needed, was water.
He took the glass from the table and made himself more comfortable on the sofa. "Too mutch light..." he thought. Paranoid thoughts were filling his mind. "Easy and sleek moves, and everything will be fine. Nobody will notice. I need to stay calm, stay calm". His forhead was sweating badly, although it was hard to notice in this half dark place.
While holding the glass under the table he took out a small capsule out of the inside pocket of his robe. There were only two letters printed on its side. P and I. He then quickly cracked it in half and white powder started to pour in his glass, instantly dissolving in the water. When the process was done he put the remainers of capsule back, and quickly drinked all the liquid.
He then put empty glass on the table and tried to relax. It must be the place, that was affecting his mind today so negatively.
"Foolish and greedy Libertonians... First, they betray and leave their brothers behind, and now, they are ready to betray themselves...
And for what? For this little ... Ughhh..." Nobodie exhaled. "We dont even have to make an effort... they will just destroy themselves in a couple of centuries..."
He reached the inside of his robe, and took out a black, shiny cube-shape box. Nobodie intentionally put it on table upside down, as on the top of the box, there was a tiny, yellow circle-shaped symbol... And he did not want anyone to notice it...
"Where the hell is he?" He thought after spending almost an hour over that table, suspiciously looking at every new visitor. "I hope that monglar gets here before we all get exposed to the radiation levels of no recovery..." he thought and disturbing images appeared in his mind...
"Atleast I had the Right drink... Unlike those Liberty dogs" he calmed himself, making a huge effort to not to burst into evil laughter.
The only thing he knew about the man that was supposed to come to the Tavern and meet him shortly, is that he worked for one of the Liberty Military branches, and had a high enough rank to have acces to the Liberty Spacecraft Engineering sector.
Was that man already there?
While walking forward the bar he counted 5th table on his left and took a sit. "This is the spot" he thought. The window next to the table he sat was oriented to the dark and endless space, with less stars than a human could count on his fingers... He was pleased by the fact that he did not have to stare at Planet Denver, as he hated it pretty mutch as everything else that belong to the Colonies.
"- Good evening sir, what can i get you?" asked a bartender. Nobodie didnt even notice how he approached his table. The name sign on his chest said "Zeta".
"- I will have Soylent Green, please" politely answered the pirate.
"- Anything for a drink?" with an evil grin inquired Zeta, although his expression was not an object of Nobodies attention.
"- Water.., just... plain... water..." slowly said Nobodie lowering his voice. He was looking at the group of people over a table in the other corner of the Tavern.
"Liberty protectors of justice... Just look at them, sitting here, laughing and drinking with all their fancy, blue uniforms, shiny and clean leather boots, stupid badges and idiotic rank buttons" - He noted to himself in disgust.
Nobodie was sitting there alone, at the table, in a black robe he wore over his mixed brown/yellow Corsair suit. He certainly did not want to be exposed as there were more important things to do than getting in a fight with some Libertonian scum. The hoodie was hiding his face, dropping shadow from the helion light installed on the ceiling in the center of the bar.
Zeta brought him his meal and went to change a tune on the music player.
Nobodie did not touch his food. He was not hungry, and, actually ordered the first thing that came to his mind. What he really needed, was water.
He took the glass from the table and made himself more comfortable on the sofa. "Too mutch light..." he thought. Paranoid thoughts were filling his mind. "Easy and sleek moves, and everything will be fine. Nobody will notice. I need to stay calm, stay calm". His forhead was sweating badly, although it was hard to notice in this half dark place.
While holding the glass under the table he took out a small capsule out of the inside pocket of his robe. There were only two letters printed on its side. P and I. He then quickly cracked it in half and white powder started to pour in his glass, instantly dissolving in the water. When the process was done he put the remainers of capsule back, and quickly drinked all the liquid.
He then put empty glass on the table and tried to relax. It must be the place, that was affecting his mind today so negatively.
"Foolish and greedy Libertonians... First, they betray and leave their brothers behind, and now, they are ready to betray themselves...
And for what? For this little ... Ughhh..." Nobodie exhaled. "We dont even have to make an effort... they will just destroy themselves in a couple of centuries..."
He reached the inside of his robe, and took out a black, shiny cube-shape box. Nobodie intentionally put it on table upside down, as on the top of the box, there was a tiny, yellow circle-shaped symbol... And he did not want anyone to notice it...
"Where the hell is he?" He thought after spending almost an hour over that table, suspiciously looking at every new visitor. "I hope that monglar gets here before we all get exposed to the radiation levels of no recovery..." he thought and disturbing images appeared in his mind...
"Atleast I had the Right drink... Unlike those Liberty dogs" he calmed himself, making a huge effort to not to burst into evil laughter.
The only thing he knew about the man that was supposed to come to the Tavern and meet him shortly, is that he worked for one of the Liberty Military branches, and had a high enough rank to have acces to the Liberty Spacecraft Engineering sector.
Was that man already there?
Posted 06 April 2010 - 04:26 AM
Alpha looks back at the bar and the young wench and thinks I gave her everything credits,me, all she wanted that was the one time Alpha was ready to give it all up. But now he thinks to himself (self) you are a cold blooded killer thats all you know then he gets mad and shoots another good person and thinks (he wont go home to the wife and kids) bah they are better off without that LSF lover. Alpha thinks it was better when I was a merc at least I got paid for killing. But now I do it for fun and the thrill of watching them die at that point Alpha gets gas and thinks. That bartender gave me old Blood Wine and rotten food and thinks if he were not so well connected I would kill him for that. At that point Alpha kills another LSF soldier and thinks this is fun maybe I will stick around here and kill these fools as they come into the bar, Yes that is a good idea he thinks with that Alpha goes to his ship for some rest.
<img src="http://i121.photobuc.../NewestSig.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />
Posted 06 April 2010 - 03:09 PM
"Much obliged, Mr......... Zeta? Zeta. For the purpose of keeping my tab, call me Flea."
Flea walks away from the counter and finds himself an empty table. He's glad to see old friends, but he has a lot on his mind today. He downs the first glass, and recoils at its taste. He smiles and reaches for the second glass. Today has not been a good day. Sadly, that's simply been the hunter's lot in recent weeks.
Flea walks away from the counter and finds himself an empty table. He's glad to see old friends, but he has a lot on his mind today. He downs the first glass, and recoils at its taste. He smiles and reaches for the second glass. Today has not been a good day. Sadly, that's simply been the hunter's lot in recent weeks.
It's always too soon when your time is up. Live and die... by the barrel of a gun.
Posted 06 April 2010 - 03:45 PM
As Zeta is giving Nobodie his meal, he says, "glad you were able to make it, did you catch a shuttle or were you able to find a bribe?" As Zeta is walking back to the bar with some glasses from another plate, Zeta notices a radiation filter in the ceiling with a light blinking faster than normal. Zeta shrugs and puts the glasses down on the bar.
Zeta turns to Fleainator at the bar, "Allrighty then, Fle it is." As he punches the tab info into the terminal.
Zeta turns to Fleainator at the bar, "Allrighty then, Fle it is." As he punches the tab info into the terminal.
Thank you, Slaughter
Posted 07 April 2010 - 01:52 AM
A very frazzled junker walks into the bar and sits at a table near the window. He lights a smoke and waits for the bartender. His cig goes out, and he extinguishes it, but as he does, some flash powder in the ashtray ignites. Surprised, the junker jumps up and stumbles over a stool and falls flat on his face. Most everyone in the bar starts laughing at the spectacle, especially the Major, who just walked in.
"How did you like my flash powder? Think twice before smoking again, huh?" The junker, picking himself up, gives him the Death Glare. Realizing his huge mistake of admitting to putting the flash powder into the ashtray, he runs for his life out of the bar. He grabs his matter compactor as the junker chases after him grabbing his weapon, fully intending to kill him.
Hiding in a nearby alcove in the wall, he pulls a pistol out of his compactor. The junker runs past without seeing him, and Malfunction shoots him square in the back. Walking back to the bar to look for a job and a drink, the bouncer stops him, grabbing him by his jacket. "Funny, but DO NOT do that again, do you understand?" Malfunction nods, hurriedly stuffing his compactor into the locker and sitting down in the bar.
"How did you like my flash powder? Think twice before smoking again, huh?" The junker, picking himself up, gives him the Death Glare. Realizing his huge mistake of admitting to putting the flash powder into the ashtray, he runs for his life out of the bar. He grabs his matter compactor as the junker chases after him grabbing his weapon, fully intending to kill him.
Hiding in a nearby alcove in the wall, he pulls a pistol out of his compactor. The junker runs past without seeing him, and Malfunction shoots him square in the back. Walking back to the bar to look for a job and a drink, the bouncer stops him, grabbing him by his jacket. "Funny, but DO NOT do that again, do you understand?" Malfunction nods, hurriedly stuffing his compactor into the locker and sitting down in the bar.
Posted 07 April 2010 - 03:47 AM
Zeta was cleaning up a table when there was a bright flash from one of the tables. The security system alarm went off for a second, but Zeta silenced it quickly when he realized the joke. As everyone laughs, the two men run out of the bar towards the weapons lockers. "Play dead!" Zeta yells at the junker as he runs. A second later, a pistol blast can be heard from the corridor outside. As Major Malfunction walks back in, Jim takes a look outside and gives Zeta a thumbs up.
The security system on the entire station prevents weapons from working, or in the case that they do, creates a field that diffuses the energy, rendering the blast harmless. The junker is fine, and several LSF officers are in the corner of the bar, laughing at Alpha Wolf's attempt to kill them all on the station.
Zeta laughs along with them. "When will people learn? This system is second only to AHC systems used throughout Colorado. Zeta continues cleaning the tables, then goes around and cleans out the ashtrays, just to be sure. "Probably should adjust for minor explosives too."
The security system on the entire station prevents weapons from working, or in the case that they do, creates a field that diffuses the energy, rendering the blast harmless. The junker is fine, and several LSF officers are in the corner of the bar, laughing at Alpha Wolf's attempt to kill them all on the station.
Zeta laughs along with them. "When will people learn? This system is second only to AHC systems used throughout Colorado. Zeta continues cleaning the tables, then goes around and cleans out the ashtrays, just to be sure. "Probably should adjust for minor explosives too."
Thank you, Slaughter
Posted 07 April 2010 - 04:01 AM
Flea looks up to see the ashtray ignite, and chuckles before returning his attention to the last glass in front of him. He empties it and slams it down on the table. He looks across the room, sees a man who seems like he might be a Corsair, and audibly scoffs. Only recently was he nearly killed by pirate treachery, and the fact that he'd nearly been killed today didn't do anything to improve his mood. He resists the urge to confront the man at that very moment, fingering the empty sheath strapped to his calf. He had left his ceremonial Kusari short blade at the door, and the sheath itself could only bruise or choke. Either way, it wasn't the time to clean up Sirius, nor was it the place.
He gets up and walks up to the bar. "Chief, I've got two things to ask you: One, what do you call this stuff? It doesn't taste as good as the WLB brew, but I like it. Two, do you sell in bulk? I had my ship shot out from under me today, and I'm in no hurry to deal with the insurance claim paperwork."
He gets up and walks up to the bar. "Chief, I've got two things to ask you: One, what do you call this stuff? It doesn't taste as good as the WLB brew, but I like it. Two, do you sell in bulk? I had my ship shot out from under me today, and I'm in no hurry to deal with the insurance claim paperwork."
It's always too soon when your time is up. Live and die... by the barrel of a gun.
Posted 07 April 2010 - 06:09 AM
Using the chaos of the aborted fight as a decoy, Sn0w slides into the bar. Noticing the sign he groans and turns to the storage lockers and opens two. In the first he deposits the oversize briefcase he had been carrying and carefully locks it inside. Facing the second he begins to offload a dizzying array of weaponry. Everything from a prototype assault rifle to a dazzling old earth samurai sword as the last weapon appears from under his heavy dark black leather duster he fingers the white silk scarf at his neck. A sly smile crosses his lips as he locks the weapons inside the locker and turns towards the bar proper.
His eyes dance across the faces before him many recognizable as customers, suppliers and even a few targets from various business dealings over the years. Lighting a cigarette he moves to a table lit only by a single lamp he sits down and unscrews the light bulb, plunging the table into nearly complete darkness. Only the glow of the cigarette and the occasional stray reflection of light from the scarf giving away his position. The waitress doesn't come to take his order but instead just brings a bottle of whiskey and a shot glass to him and quietly departs again. Glancing towards the viewports another small smile crosses his lips as he realizes that one of the stars in the viewport isn't really a star but is his personal battleship holding position 40k from the station. Thinking about the security he had implemented for this meeting he gulped down a shot of the Old Texan Whiskey and shook his head slightly. He had really pulled out all the stops this time. Not only did he have his pride and joy a Meltandi class Battleship in system, he had brought in 7 cloaked scout ships to use as trackers if need be as well as over 2 squadrons worth of mercies, freelancers and a few clanners that owed him a favor. They were spread out in nearby systems to block the escape of the man he was meeting if things "went to hell in a handbasket" as his dad was fond of saying. Taking another shot of the whiskey he thought any sane person would say this was overkill security but then again no sane person would consummate a 200 billion dollar deal in the middle of a bar crowded full of people.
Sitting back to wait he watches the room taking in anything that may be useful either to himself or to a customer of his
His eyes dance across the faces before him many recognizable as customers, suppliers and even a few targets from various business dealings over the years. Lighting a cigarette he moves to a table lit only by a single lamp he sits down and unscrews the light bulb, plunging the table into nearly complete darkness. Only the glow of the cigarette and the occasional stray reflection of light from the scarf giving away his position. The waitress doesn't come to take his order but instead just brings a bottle of whiskey and a shot glass to him and quietly departs again. Glancing towards the viewports another small smile crosses his lips as he realizes that one of the stars in the viewport isn't really a star but is his personal battleship holding position 40k from the station. Thinking about the security he had implemented for this meeting he gulped down a shot of the Old Texan Whiskey and shook his head slightly. He had really pulled out all the stops this time. Not only did he have his pride and joy a Meltandi class Battleship in system, he had brought in 7 cloaked scout ships to use as trackers if need be as well as over 2 squadrons worth of mercies, freelancers and a few clanners that owed him a favor. They were spread out in nearby systems to block the escape of the man he was meeting if things "went to hell in a handbasket" as his dad was fond of saying. Taking another shot of the whiskey he thought any sane person would say this was overkill security but then again no sane person would consummate a 200 billion dollar deal in the middle of a bar crowded full of people.
Sitting back to wait he watches the room taking in anything that may be useful either to himself or to a customer of his
QUOTE (ShadowStorme @ Apr 6 2009, 06:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
this subject needs to be closed please by an ADMIN. bcause this is getting uglier than an alley cat caught in bicycle spokes.