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@  McKooter : (14 August 2024 - 08:54 PM) hi again, a year later :)
@  McKooter : (22 August 2023 - 02:08 AM) saying hi again. Ill check back in a bit
@  Tom_Horn : (19 March 2022 - 01:09 AM) What's up? :)
@  Slayer : (26 February 2022 - 11:31 AM) Sad to know that Madcat passed away. Rest in peace!
@  McKooter : (11 September 2021 - 08:16 PM) RIP Madcat. I only come here every few months. God we seem to lose some people. :( seriously.
@  Ragman : (24 May 2021 - 07:04 PM) To EVERYBODY: It is with deepest sympathy that I inform the community that MadCat passed away on the 19th of May this year. He will be missed.
@  Ragman : (24 May 2021 - 07:02 PM) Mckooter, I think Cursor is still paying for this
@  Caprica : (11 February 2021 - 06:55 AM) Доброго времени суток Всем
@  Caprica : (26 January 2021 - 06:07 PM) hi All
@  Slayer : (16 January 2021 - 05:13 PM) Hello
@  McKooter : (03 January 2021 - 04:39 PM) @Rags, yeah just was messing about again today and popped back in to see if its still up. Are we even sure who is paying for this place?
@  Ragman : (06 December 2020 - 10:59 PM) OMG This is still here
@  McKooter : (31 August 2019 - 02:12 AM) what!? a new site?? i slaved over this place :D eyo to fenris, rags, and ahroun
@  Fenris_Wolf : (14 July 2019 - 01:56 PM) Awesome. After much pissing around I can login again. Just a reminder we've got a new website running at https://tekagis.ca and a discord server https://discord.gg/psX8HBu
@  Ragabash : (10 July 2019 - 07:32 PM) Tekagis must rise again
@  Ahroun : (10 July 2019 - 07:31 PM) OMG I can't believe this login still works!!!  :blink:
@  McKooter : (26 June 2019 - 02:52 AM) just stopped in to say hi if anyone reads this still
@  MINDDRIVE : (01 June 2019 - 12:46 AM) ello ello
@  The_Fiddler : (11 March 2019 - 03:18 AM) 10 active user(s) (in the past 15 minutes) Play, play !!!
@  The_Fiddler : (10 March 2019 - 04:48 PM) Looking forward to explore this mod again :)


Tekagi's Tavern 2010

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Shenzi Gryphon

Shenzi Gryphon

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Shenzi shrugs a little and folds her arms on the table "Not sure honestly. General things" she chuckles and glances around the bar before looking back to Zeta "So, im officialy a corsair as of today. Had to do some strange ritual... i cant say ive ever worked for anyone other than DD back in the day so its a new experience." another glance is given around the bar as if she's checking for someone. "Do you have any info on my captain that i might be interested in?"



    Cubic Zirconium

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Zero's reply was true to form, and smug.

"You know, I think I did hear something about a virus. However, as to how it was released, when, where, and by whom, is classified. I'm no tech. Even if I understood how it worked, I wouldn't be one to deploy it. You should know by now how I operate. After all, we had worked together for so long. Also, I might ask you to dig deep and recall a slight bit of information from our past conflicts together. I always had a back-up plan should something go wrong with my current state. In this case, I could have multiple shipping transports secretly rigged with explosives set to detonate at a single thought-command, or I might not. I could have people in hiding all over Liberty, waiting to sabotage the various militaries or corporations, awaiting my signal. Then again, I might not. You never know. The same goes with the information you're after. I might know and I might not. Bottom line remains that the answers are out of your reach. I find it best that I don't know every detail. It saves me the heartache of people coming to me for answers, just as you are right now. In addition, if I'm ever captured, there's no information that I can give to any pertinant issues at hand. Makes sense. Keeps me focused and incapable of forgetting whatever important minute detail that I was supposed to know. As for the exploitation, I haven't quite tested the full extent that it could have possibly have reached. I've never needed a loophole to accomplish an objective."

Zero smiles and pats Flea on the shoulder, trying to provoke him further. Flea's mind races. Nothing, eh? That was a lot of posturing from someone who knows nothing at all. I might rig your ship with explosive charges. I might not. You never know. Idle half-threats are idle half-threats. He chose to stay his hand, and simply let Zero turn to walk away.

"Oh, and Flea? If you're refering to the Nomads returning, you can guarantee that I'll be there to stop them once again. You and I are not so different as much as you'd hate to admit. I simply make my own rules. I still value the overall safety of Serius, but until the need arises, I will continue to live my life the way I wish, with or without your approval."

"Yeah," Flea muttered, "you against all of the Nomads. Best of luck with that." Zero, you're either a demon or an angel, but cripes, you're not a god. All of the skill and wile in the galaxy won't save you and your lass if you're the last man standing. That was the it, though. The conversation was over. He could have lunged at the man, but there was something dangerous about the suit he wore. A fight here would get ugly fast, and Flea didn't care to get banned from the Tavern. He spat and walked back to the bar. To the rest of the Tavern's customers, he'd just made a fool of himself. It especially seemed to be the case with Admiral Vesko, who only looked at him in silence.

He decided it was a good time to leave. He printed off a small card from his datapad and placed it on the bar.
"Hey Zeta, I don't like causing trouble in such fine establishments, so let me make it up to you. This card here is will help you get at least five kegs of a micro-brew that me and a few other WLB officers have just developed. Just contact the name on the card, and tell him that 'Flea' referred you to him. We call it the QF 6 Pounder. It's got a wonderful bite and taste to it." He turned to Vesko. "Pardon my recklessness. I'll save you the trouble of speaking with me again and let WLB Command know that you'd like for the WLB and LSF to share intel on this GIR thing ...sir."

Flea rose and walked out of the bar, but before he passed through the door, he glanced at Zero, and a smirk found its way to his face.

Zero, the only way for a man to truly tell nothing is to keep his mouth shut. You may have just given me a worthwhile lead, kid.

And then he was gone.
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It's always too soon when your time is up.  Live and die... by the barrel of a gun.




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The waitress brings another pitcher to the table. As she does, I notice Flea leaving the bar behind her. Did I give him some inkling of information? I don't know anything about how and where the virus was released or what exactly it did. I only knew that it infected security systems all over the place. This station seemed unaffected at least. I haven't heard anything from Command about possible side-infections on our side. We were clean. As I'd mentioned before, I'm no tech. I leave that kind of mess for an engineer. Now explosives, that's my style. I've always enjoyed a big boom. Come to think of it, I might have something that Tila and myself can do together. The APF - Mourning Star was nearby in a location some distance away. Might be worth a visit after this...

I thank the waitress for the beer and Tila and I have another race to see who could get through their glasses first. I almost finish, then pause purposefully for a moment or two. I finish my glass after she does. "You let me win!" she exclaims with a playful slap. Damn! I'd hoped she wouldn't notice. Oh well. She and I were both happily drunk again. "Now, being that I couldn't do this earlier, would ya like ta dans?" My words were just a little slurred. One small side-effect of being drunk. "Sure. I'd love to," she says, taking my hand as we go to the dance floor. I hold on to her as she and I slowly dance on the floor. She kisses me again as we dance there silently. Too bad there weren't others here to enjoy the music. I guess they were all too occupied with their own buisness to care about something so simple.


In defensione et fraternitatem Elohim...



    Cubic Zirconium

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Zeta takes the card from Flea and sticks it in his pocket. He turns back to Shenzi. "I really don't know. Didn't your 'captain' change here recently? I'm not even sure who's in charge anymore. Zeta smiles, "Not that I would be able to divulge any secrets that easily anyway"

Zeta nods at Vesko leaving the bar, and looks out towards Zero and Tila. Zeta stands and stretches and stands next to Shenzi, "It's been a long time, but, would you like to dance?" Zeta holds out his hand to Shenzi.
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Thank you, Slaughter

Shenzi Gryphon

Shenzi Gryphon

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Shenzi had been staring at Zero and his lady too, looking away again to Zeta and smiling "I was just thinking the same thing" she says and takes his hand, standing up and smiling softly.. waiting to be lead by Zeta.




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Tila and I cease to dance and stare face to face with one another. Her beautiful eyes seemed to drill right into me, to see me for who I am underneath. I am not a heartless, mindless killer. I have feelings, but they are suppressed beneath layers and layers of mental walls to move aside such vulnurabilities. I fight for glory, for the challenge, and for the ability to live the way I please to do so. Even if it means that I might not survive the encounter to hold on to that which I feel closest to. In this case, I would fight for honor, for my Brothers and Sisters, and now, for her.

"I'm ready to go," she says. I nod and leave my payment for the drinks on the table. Playfully, I lift her up and carry her to the door as she laughs. I set her down as we move from the bar toward the S31 docking bay for departure. "Tila, there's a place that I'd like to take you. I want to see what all you're capable of," I say. "Where to?" she asks quizically. "To the APF - Mourning Star," I respond. "You'll probably like it. Especially if you enjoy blowing stuff up." "Lead on!" Tila cries hopping up and down as we near the docking bay of the S31 private sector.

Tila and I take our seats in the cockpit of my fighter, the spines of the neural controller jutting out into each port in our backs. "Control, this is Freelancer: Omega 1-0. We are ready for departure." "Copy that Zero. The docking bay is clear. Good luck out there!" Bay Command responds.

The docking bay doors open and the loading pad shifts my fighter from its docking position toward the door. The locks disengage and I engage the engines, leaving the bay and the station behind for now. "Navigolus," I call. "What is your destination, Zero?" it responds in a metallic voice through the audio output speakers. "Take us to the APF - Mourning Star." "Acknowledged, commander. ETA is about two hours."

I turn my head to the patter of tiny feet behind me. "Still nervous?" I ask with a smile. "You've got nothing to be afraid of." "I know, I know," Tila responds with a playfully annoyed look and smile. "I still can't get over the complete change when I join with the ship!" "You'll get used to it. Now you know why I enjoy flying so much." I return to facing the outer window of the cockpit, watching as the freighters, shipping, and private ships pass by.


In defensione et fraternitatem Elohim...



    Cubic Zirconium

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Zeta leads Shenzi to the dance floor, nodding at Zero and Tila as they head out.
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Thank you, Slaughter

Shenzi Gryphon

Shenzi Gryphon

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Shenzi smiles and wraps her arms around Zetas neck as they move to the dancefloor, leaning in to rest her forehead against his "Im not a great dancer y'know. but eh...how hard can it be" she whispers softly to him.



    Cubic Zirconium

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Zeta smiles and whispers back to Shenzi, "It's fine, I'm not either."
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Thank you, Slaughter

Shenzi Gryphon

Shenzi Gryphon

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Shenzi closes her eyes and slowly sways with Zeta, smiling warmly all the while as she listened to the music...taking the oppertunity to gently place a kiss to his cheek with a small laugh following shortly after.



    Cubic Zirconium

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Zeta wraps his arms around Shenzi as they danced to the light music. Zeta started thinking about the time since he had been sucked into this universe through a freak accident. Not one time had he felt like this for a woman. The music ended, and Zeta kissed Shenzi on the forehead, then guided her back to the table. "I'm sorry, but I have to get back to work. I'll be back in a little bit if you are still here." Zeta winked and switched the normal tavern music back on, and went up to the bar to clean up some.
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Thank you, Slaughter

Shenzi Gryphon

Shenzi Gryphon

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Shenzi's cheeks redden softly and she smiles, heading back to the table and sitting down. Once sat down she glanced around to see if she could spot any interesting figures like the ones earlier... most of the taverns shady characters had left already. Bored she picks up her left over drink and sips it...waiting for perhaps some other interesting event to happen.



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Zeta walks out from the back office and starts cleaning stuff. Business is slow, so why not.
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Thank you, Slaughter



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Alpha walks into the bar after a very much needed break on the luxery liner in sig 19 feeling refreshed and rested he thinks so that is what a vacation with no one shooting at you feels like. But he is still haunted by the fact that the one women (Spirit) got away from him and he thinks what the **** is wrong with you back in the day you took any wench you wanted. But still Spirit was a lady in every way and Alpha could only dream about someone like her. But he finds a table and orders Whisky as the blood wine no longer tastes good to him he watches people dancing and thinks d*m I must be getting old I no longer want to kill for fun well maybe I do but at this point all I want is this drink and to find work Alpha sits back in the chair and thinks of the days when killing was fun but now he must do it for profit.
At that point he slaps himself and thinks don't be getting soft because if you do the people you tried to kill will get you, And he thinks why did I leave my brothers and then he remembers there was no profit in killing for the pure pleasure of watching them die, With that Alpha gets up and pays the tab and leaves the bar in search of work.
<img src="http://i121.photobuc.../NewestSig.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />



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As I have been informed on this rare place, I decided to do a visit at The Tekagi's Tavern. On my arrival, I immediately looked around, impressed by
the place and the atmosphere made me think that could be the right place to find people with honout and patriotism. So the bartender offers me a sit
and I asked for a double on the rocks Aldebaran whisky.

While savouring this pure marvel, I had a watch through the ice cubes, and I saw many known pilots, Alpha Wolf, Zeta, Spirit and others, all famous
pilots, well known for their proud in doing their job.....I hoped to a new future..............

After spending time in wondering what could be this future, time has come to act...!

All of you, who want to act for justice, pride and honour, stand up and come to me, a new crusade will start.....

With my best regards to TT's people

The Contractor
With my best regards,
The Contractor



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Zeta walks back in from the office, serves a couple of drinks here and there, and calls up the WLB to take them up on their offer for the new drink he had been told of a while ago.
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Thank you, Slaughter



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Zeta walks in from the back office, again, carrying his favorite coat. The coat is black with a white dragon on the back, a DD patch on the left shoulder, and a seemingly random "Zeta" symbol on the right. Zeta sits down at an empty spot on the bar, and begins pulling off the DD patch, with a deep frown. After he gets the patch off, he slides a newer unused DD patch into an envelope with a letter and seals it. He then takes the old DD tag he just removed and puts it into a box in the bartender's locker, and locks it with a finger print. He then pours himself a shot of Classic B151 Rum and down it with a small cough.
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Thank you, Slaughter

Shenzi Gryphon

Shenzi Gryphon

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Shenzi soon got bored of hanging around at the same table with no one really to talk to. Everyone seemed perfectly happy off in their own worlds. Upon noticing Zeta returning however Shenzi got to her feet and hurried across the room, skidding to lean against the wall in an almost cartoonish fashion.

"Hey there hotstuff." she laughs and grins rather crudely, tilting her head "What's going down? i was wonderin' if that little organization of yours might be interested in having me... i did help you guys out that one time when i shot that troublemaker down....considering it took the group of us about 3 hours to even hit him i think i did pretty well there." she snickers.



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"Hey there, beautiful" Zeta replies without noticing what had slipped out of his mouth. Zeta listens to Shenzi talk about his "little organization, then froze as he realized what it was she was talking about. "What do you mean 'have you?'" Zeta frowns as he pulls out a new box with a new custom made shoulder patch, made with a new symbol. The symbol of the Corsair Covenant of Fortune. Zeta sets the patch down on his coat and sets his needles and thread down next to it on the bar. Zeta stares blankly at Shenzi. "Really?" He asks, and just stares.
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Thank you, Slaughter

Shenzi Gryphon

Shenzi Gryphon

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Shenzi nods but then slowly blinks ...staring at the patch "Oh crap...you didnt join us lot did you?" she gave a weak laugh and leaned back. A soft sigh leaves her lips and she shakes her head "Oh well...i'll stay i guess. You'd better not have joined up just because of me mate..."