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@  McKooter : (22 August 2023 - 02:08 AM) saying hi again. Ill check back in a bit
@  Tom_Horn : (19 March 2022 - 01:09 AM) What's up? :)
@  Slayer : (26 February 2022 - 11:31 AM) Sad to know that Madcat passed away. Rest in peace!
@  McKooter : (11 September 2021 - 08:16 PM) RIP Madcat. I only come here every few months. God we seem to lose some people. :( seriously.
@  Ragman : (24 May 2021 - 07:04 PM) To EVERYBODY: It is with deepest sympathy that I inform the community that MadCat passed away on the 19th of May this year. He will be missed.
@  Ragman : (24 May 2021 - 07:02 PM) Mckooter, I think Cursor is still paying for this
@  Caprica : (11 February 2021 - 06:55 AM) Доброго времени суток Всем
@  Caprica : (26 January 2021 - 06:07 PM) hi All
@  Slayer : (16 January 2021 - 05:13 PM) Hello
@  McKooter : (03 January 2021 - 04:39 PM) @Rags, yeah just was messing about again today and popped back in to see if its still up. Are we even sure who is paying for this place?
@  Ragman : (06 December 2020 - 10:59 PM) OMG This is still here
@  McKooter : (31 August 2019 - 02:12 AM) what!? a new site?? i slaved over this place :D eyo to fenris, rags, and ahroun
@  Fenris_Wolf : (14 July 2019 - 01:56 PM) Awesome. After much pissing around I can login again. Just a reminder we've got a new website running at https://tekagis.ca and a discord server https://discord.gg/psX8HBu
@  Ragabash : (10 July 2019 - 07:32 PM) Tekagis must rise again
@  Ahroun : (10 July 2019 - 07:31 PM) OMG I can't believe this login still works!!!  :blink:
@  McKooter : (26 June 2019 - 02:52 AM) just stopped in to say hi if anyone reads this still
@  MINDDRIVE : (01 June 2019 - 12:46 AM) ello ello
@  The_Fiddler : (11 March 2019 - 03:18 AM) 10 active user(s) (in the past 15 minutes) Play, play !!!
@  The_Fiddler : (10 March 2019 - 04:48 PM) Looking forward to explore this mod again :)
@  Nameless : (25 August 2018 - 12:54 AM) Server down?

nobodie's Content

There have been 13 items by nobodie (Search limited from 13-July 10)

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#2086374 2000 BMW 740i computer install

Posted by nobodie on 23 July 2015 - 07:19 PM in Off Topic

Last pic... im dying. Initially thought it was legit, since its the same size as everything else. :JC-LOL:

#2086367 2000 BMW 740i computer install

Posted by nobodie on 15 July 2015 - 10:12 PM in Off Topic

What are the specs ? :D

#2083836 Caledonia´s signature portfolio

Posted by nobodie on 20 March 2011 - 01:39 PM in Signature GFX Area

Noise around VALIN text was a bad decision imho.

Anyway, I really really like Spacerangers sig. Fantastic work! :thumbsup:

#2078605 Clan Logos or headers

Posted by nobodie on 05 June 2010 - 01:39 PM in Signature GFX Area

Saweet! I like them :)
Just one thing: Raw outline of unicorn on the logo looks akward. (But i concider its still WIP)

#2077951 Caledonia´s signature portfolio

Posted by nobodie on 13 May 2010 - 08:00 PM in Signature GFX Area

Nice work Caledonia, but! Dont know how to explain, when i look at Contractors sig you made my eyes stick to only one spot, kind of ignoring overall view because that spot in my view is critical.
It is where black guys skull crosses the border of the sig. It just screams MAGNIFY ME and see if the head is cut a bit or i ends up just right there (in the last case, its really bad).
May I suggest either make the guy little bigger so head "cut" would be more obvious/use transparancy to make head go over the border, or make him the way his head does not reach the border.

(Could be just me though...)


#2076146 nobodie's Concept Ship gallery

Posted by nobodie on 15 February 2010 - 12:01 AM in Signature GFX Area


Ok so heres another pack of my ships :D I regret leaving my markers in UK, that i bought for one (!) pound while living there. They looked shitty, but when i look at my earlier works made with them... Damn.
Ill be using more grey and black from now on..

First Bomber class ship; Light fighter with moving wings
Posted ImagePosted Image

Few bs?s, really quick drawn, tried to make a form with shadows
BS9 Posted Image BS10 Posted Image

Pirate Bs, atleast that was the idea.
Choose A3 paper format for this one and put more detailing. Turned out to pretty nice, although i messed up the colouring imho:

Posted Image

LF / BOMBER Posted Image FR2 Posted Image MINER Posted Image

And a space station. ^_^
Posted Image

#2075725 new avatar

Posted by nobodie on 28 January 2010 - 06:25 AM in Signature GFX Area

Now you both look like brothers lmao :)

#2075308 Just curious

Posted by nobodie on 16 January 2010 - 04:31 PM in Signature GFX Area

Michael i suggest you erasing your last post. I find it irrevelant.

#2075213 Just curious

Posted by nobodie on 13 January 2010 - 09:56 PM in Signature GFX Area

Cant say its not my taste, but voted "nothing special". Feeling like a b*tchy critic today. ;)
What is the purpose of this image? The idea behind it?

We got the bright sun, we can say it asociates with life and the good. But to me, it looks evil because it has these blue feelers coming out of it, that want to catch the buttefly so the sun can burn it.
Then you blackened the woods. Left dark spot has pretty sharp cut, although i dont see any change of the nature "surface". I mean, we got sunny bushes, and in the middle, somewhy the shadow appears. If darkened places are shadowed first plan trees, then i can understand, however those bright feelers make the impression that left dark spot is somewhere over the river. If its still should be first plan, why they are blurred too? Why butterfly is only object that is not blurred? If it wasnt brightened, it would be totally out of that space.
That black border you added makes no sence as it merges with the image and doesnt affect it in any way. Its same if it was there, or wasnt. Posted Image

Hope you wont loose any desire to do these things :( That might be some good bs i wrote lol.

#2074227 nobodie's Concept Ship gallery

Posted by nobodie on 09 December 2009 - 01:13 AM in Signature GFX Area

Thanks guys :D
I wish i had atleast some experience in 3d modelling ... Like Michael said, could really donate them to the mod.

#2074195 nobodie's Concept Ship gallery

Posted by nobodie on 07 December 2009 - 10:32 PM in Signature GFX Area

HF6Posted ImageHF7Posted ImageHF8Posted Image

That's it for now :D

#2074194 nobodie's Concept Ship gallery

Posted by nobodie on 07 December 2009 - 10:32 PM in Signature GFX Area

FR1Posted ImageHF3Posted ImageBS7Posted ImageBS8Posted ImageHF4Posted Image
HF5Posted ImageLF3Posted ImageLF4Posted ImageLF5Posted ImageLF6Posted Image

#2074193 nobodie's Concept Ship gallery

Posted by nobodie on 07 December 2009 - 10:31 PM in Signature GFX Area

I would like to start with little introduction.

I love everything that is about space and spacecraft, aliens, distant worlds and anomalies etc etc - movies (especially from 80's-90's), games, books (Altough i almost never read), photos and drawings. Few months ago I found some old book that somebody just threw away that was back from 1980. As it is in almost perfect condition, I concider it a real treasure. Illustrations from the book inspired me so mutch that i actually decided to start drawing space ships myself.
My favourite classes are Battleships (For their mean and destructive mass, firepower) and Light Fighters (For their speed and agility), so these will be more common i guess.  

Hope you will enjoy my work as mutch as i enjoyed doing it. :D

I havent thought about the names of ships, so if you have any ideas or associations that occur while viewing one or another particular picture, feel free to share.

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HF2Posted ImageLF2Posted ImageBS4Posted ImageBS5Posted ImageBS6Posted Image