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@  McKooter : (22 August 2023 - 02:08 AM) saying hi again. Ill check back in a bit
@  Tom_Horn : (19 March 2022 - 01:09 AM) What's up? :)
@  Slayer : (26 February 2022 - 11:31 AM) Sad to know that Madcat passed away. Rest in peace!
@  McKooter : (11 September 2021 - 08:16 PM) RIP Madcat. I only come here every few months. God we seem to lose some people. :( seriously.
@  Ragman : (24 May 2021 - 07:04 PM) To EVERYBODY: It is with deepest sympathy that I inform the community that MadCat passed away on the 19th of May this year. He will be missed.
@  Ragman : (24 May 2021 - 07:02 PM) Mckooter, I think Cursor is still paying for this
@  Caprica : (11 February 2021 - 06:55 AM) Доброго времени суток Всем
@  Caprica : (26 January 2021 - 06:07 PM) hi All
@  Slayer : (16 January 2021 - 05:13 PM) Hello
@  McKooter : (03 January 2021 - 04:39 PM) @Rags, yeah just was messing about again today and popped back in to see if its still up. Are we even sure who is paying for this place?
@  Ragman : (06 December 2020 - 10:59 PM) OMG This is still here
@  McKooter : (31 August 2019 - 02:12 AM) what!? a new site?? i slaved over this place :D eyo to fenris, rags, and ahroun
@  Fenris_Wolf : (14 July 2019 - 01:56 PM) Awesome. After much pissing around I can login again. Just a reminder we've got a new website running at https://tekagis.ca and a discord server https://discord.gg/psX8HBu
@  Ragabash : (10 July 2019 - 07:32 PM) Tekagis must rise again
@  Ahroun : (10 July 2019 - 07:31 PM) OMG I can't believe this login still works!!!  :blink:
@  McKooter : (26 June 2019 - 02:52 AM) just stopped in to say hi if anyone reads this still
@  MINDDRIVE : (01 June 2019 - 12:46 AM) ello ello
@  The_Fiddler : (11 March 2019 - 03:18 AM) 10 active user(s) (in the past 15 minutes) Play, play !!!
@  The_Fiddler : (10 March 2019 - 04:48 PM) Looking forward to explore this mod again :)
@  Nameless : (25 August 2018 - 12:54 AM) Server down?

S31-Zero-Order's Content

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#2086489 Server Relocating, expect downtime

Posted by S31-Zero-Order on 14 August 2017 - 06:11 PM in Server News

try {


After much debate, we've decided to relocate the FL server to the other side of canada. After less debate, we've decided to ship ellis along with it.  I'll try to keep a temporary server up while the move is happening (your characters should be intact).  But except some downtime for the server in the next few weeks.


* note to self: remember to poke air holes in the shipping crate for ellis.



catch (SocketException ex) {

return "Server is relocating! Can't connect because Fen";

catch (Exception ex) {

return "Nope, still nothing...";




Had to protect Fen's last post in case of "exceptions". Lame joke, I know.

#2086485 So... It's been a while

Posted by S31-Zero-Order on 16 February 2017 - 02:35 PM in New members

Welcome back! It's always nice to see returning TT vets.

I think I remember playing against you in either the TA or when I first joined APOC -- one of the two. Glad to have you here!

If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. I usually respond fastest via Skype, and you can find our contact info on https://Tekagis.ca .

#2086464 Roadmap for the future

Posted by S31-Zero-Order on 26 September 2016 - 12:11 PM in Server Discussion

I usually keep a copy of a clean FL install sitting around on another drive. That seems to be the easiest way to revert to vanilla when you need it.

#2086461 Roadmap for the future

Posted by S31-Zero-Order on 30 August 2016 - 01:02 AM in Server Discussion

I'd love to see this get ported to another engine, but I have a feeling that Microshit would have a stroke over it if we tried.

#2086453 Project Updates

Posted by S31-Zero-Order on 28 April 2016 - 12:24 PM in Server News

Good morning, TT!

I haven't made any new news posts in awhile regarding our progress on our current projects, so I think it's time to share some of what we're working on right now. We've got a few new things in the pipe since I last gave you guys an update:


Update Server for Auto-Updater Back Online

Yes, that's right. The update server for the auto-updater program is back online. Before you next log into the server, please do two things:


  1. Remove the "Read Only" status from the files in your FL folder. Some of the files in the mod are marked as "Read Only" and will stop the updater from doing its thing.
  2. Run the updater to pull newest changes. After that, you're good to go!


Tekagi's Treasure Landing Page


I'm developing a new landing page website for Tekagi's Treasure and am building it to be a kind of "one-stop-shop" for all things TT (like the mod and program downloads), forum links, server news, and etc. So far, the landing page is very close to being ready, but we still need to decide on a host for the site. For a number of reasons, we're also looking at creating a new forum. All of this will be done at the domain "Tekagis.ca".

TT Stock Market


The stock market is still coming along. I'm working on redoing the GUI to make it a little more helpful to users and am fixing refresh issues and calculation problems in the code. When I have something decent for you guys to look at, I'll post screenshots.


Next Update for the Mod


In light of needing more help in working on the mod, we've decided to add Legion to our development team. Fen and Legion are now currently working together in getting mod files sorted, with Fen rebuilding tools used to parse and correct issues in the current FL code and files. Finishing those tools will greatly help in stabilizing the mod and allow us to add some really interesting stuff to future updates.

As per usual, if you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to comment or send us PMs. Thanks!


For the Brotherhood!

#2086452 Greetings from Omnicron Theta

Posted by S31-Zero-Order on 14 March 2016 - 11:42 AM in New members

Why did you make another forum account?

#2086450 Market App Update

Posted by S31-Zero-Order on 10 March 2016 - 03:27 PM in Server News

Good morning everyone!

I wanted to give an update on how the stock market is coming along, being that I haven't posted on it in awhile. I'm still cranking away at it, slowly but surely. There are two things that I'm working on right now:


1. Corporation name generator

2. GUI interface


The corporation name generator essentially takes 3 different collections of words and generates a new name for a corporation whenever a new corp is needed. Basically, this allows for a massive number of different possible names to be generated on an as-needed basis. The data for the generator is what I'm working on at the moment, and is a slow process. There's a surprising amount of research I'm having to do to ensure that the names fit the locations the corporations are supposedly based out of, and that the names actually make sense. I'm nearing completion of the first collection, though -- very exciting!

The GUI interface has been a pain in the ass to build, but it's been fun trying to design it. Right now, I'm trying to build a way for multiple factions to be addable to the market, rather than a set number of them, which will allow maximum flexibility for new additions in the future. I have a few ideas on what I can do to get it up and running, but it'll be awhile before I can flesh it all out completely.

Next tasks in the build process:


1. Corporation background generator (makes a brief synopsis on where the corp is based and what it does)

2. Serverside statistics and data presentation
3. Reading/editing FL files

These parts will take a long period of time to build, but we'll get there. If you have any questions on the project, feel free to post them here and I'll answer however I can.

For the Brotherhood!

#2086448 APOC

Posted by S31-Zero-Order on 13 February 2016 - 09:01 PM in Clan News / Recruiting and Requests

This is a really old thread. I haven't seen 90% of these people in years... :/

#2086439 Server Change.

Posted by S31-Zero-Order on 08 February 2016 - 01:07 PM in Server News

What's happening before you join in? Do you make it to the character screen? Have you performed a clean install?

#2086426 Cloakable Ships

Posted by S31-Zero-Order on 01 February 2016 - 02:41 PM in Known Issues

Bug Found: Some ships that should cloak can't.


Date Found: 2/1/2016 (and prior)


What I was flying: N/A


How to reproduce: Pilot ship, use "/cloak" command to cloak the ship.




These are a list of ships that have been reported that are supposed to be able to cloak, but don't have the ability:

Osiris (battleship)

Viper Mk7 (I think is the name -- sold in Outback)



I'll update this list as more players respond with other ships. We'll need to test each to ensure that they function correctly.

Please do NOT post the Ravenclaw in here. The infocard for that one is wrong -- that fighter has never had a cloaking device.

#2086425 How to Post a New Bug Report

Posted by S31-Zero-Order on 01 February 2016 - 01:47 PM in Known Issues

This forum is for posting bug reports regarding issues that you found within the mod. Some of these issues may already be addressed and patched in later updates. To report an issue with the mod, please use the following format example (minus the example's coloring, of course):

Bug Found: CTD on undock at X Station


Date Found: 2/1/2016


What I was flying: Mosaram


How to reproduce: I bought 16 Phantom Lasers, mounted 8, and kept 8 unmounted. I tried to undock and crashed.



Please make sure that your issue hasn't already been reported before making a new thread on it. If you get the same problem as another player, please respond to the thread they've already opened to confirm that others are getting the same issue. If you have found a bug that hasn't yet been reported, please create a new topic with the above format. Do NOT put your new bug report in another bug's thread.

When a bug has been fixed, we'll let you know and close the thread.


#2086423 New Additions

Posted by S31-Zero-Order on 22 January 2016 - 04:17 PM in Server News

So, a new update regarding the application:


I've just about finished the main faction/corporation framework for the server application. Right now, I'm creating the UI for additional testing. The UI construction is slow going, but I've got a few ideas that I'm going to try out to give it a killer adjustable and interactive display. Once the display is in, I can check the values being calculated between the corporations and factions.


In the mean time, here's a sneak peek of the logos I've made for the different house factions. They'll be shown along with others in the main faction display. Enjoy.





#2086422 New Additions

Posted by S31-Zero-Order on 15 January 2016 - 06:06 PM in Server News

Hey guys!

I've got an application that I'm working on for the server, right now. The application is a stock market for TT -- a brand new source of income for you if successful. I don't believe that this has been done on any other Freelancer server, so we'd be the first if I can pull this off!

Anyways, I've put up a link for it in the server discussion section of the forums. You can find it here. It's been something that Fen, Ellis, and myself have been talking about for a while and just haven't had the time to implement it or really develop the application at all. However, I've had a lot of time to think about it and managed to put in a fair amount of work last night. The UI is nowhere near ready, nor completely planned out, so I have no screenshots yet. All work is currently being devoted to the back end for the application that'll be running on the server.

I'll be working on the client/server applications and file system, and I've asked for Fen's help in getting it to interact with the server's player files. Check out the link to the topic in Server Discussion for more details and tell me what you think. Your feedback would be great!

For the Brotherhood!

#2086421 Stock Market Project

Posted by S31-Zero-Order on 15 January 2016 - 05:54 PM in Server Discussion

Hi guys!

We're always looking at ways that we can improve the experience on TT. These improvements appear in the form of mod changes and fixes, new mod versions, server events, and so on. Our latest idea aims to give you a little more involvement in the universe around you. As the title suggests, we're looking at implementing a stock market. I'd like to hear your feedback on my proposed functions below. This would be an application with a client on your computer that would connect with the remote TT server.




The first objective is to allow you to interact with the universe with a little more immersion. The idea is that you'll be able to use an account's bank to purchase stocks in minor companies that are generated by the main stock program. These companies will behave like real world companies do: natural up and down growth, major/minor positive or negative random events, and bankruptcy. Certain major factions will have their own companies, and some companies will simply be unaffiliated with factions and do their own thing. Just like when playing a real stock market, you can make a lot of money, or lose it all.


The second objective is to have this application bear some ingame impact. Trading and killing NPCs doesn't have any impact on the game universe (though you'd think that the Liberty Rogues would send bigger ships after you murdered 50 bloodhounds in the badlands). With the market, we're looking at allowing the progress of minor companies having an impact on prices of commodities, ships, and equipment, and frequency, intensity, and danger of NPC spawning. For instance, if a Liberty-based shipyard company goes under, you'll see fewer patrols in Liberty and a possible increase in pirate activity.



How It Works:


- Timing -

The server will host the main market application that will adjust the market files every day. After some predetermined time, the server will probably need a reset to update with the changes to the market. The market will update once a day with new values and news on the various companies. If a company goes bankrupt, it'll take 5 days for it to be replaced with a new company.


- Company Behavior -

Companies will tend to grow or shrink naturally. The longer a company grows, the less of a chance that it’ll decline. The same holds true for any company that declines. If a company is in decline, the chance that it’ll continue to decline will increase. If a company’s value hits zero, it will go bankrupt. If it only reaches a dangerously low level, there’s still a chance that it could go bankrupt, but it’s not guaranteed to happen. When a bankruptcy occurs, any stocks you own of that company will be lost. Your money will not be refunded.


- Random Events -

Every now and again, a random event could occur that could affect a company either positively or negatively. These events will range in severity and will affect more than one company at a time. For example, a breakthrough in drilling technology has occurred and has allowed a company to increase their yields and decrease their operating costs. They may share the tech or keep it for themselves, which would result in a small boost across all mining companies or a large boost for them respectively. A company’s product type will also determine how often a random event occurs for them. For example, a private security firm will have a much higher event rate than a consumer goods manufacturer.


- Market Operations -

I aim to have the market open all day, with the exception of the time where it must update the server’s market files. I may just do a max up time of 23 hours, with a down time of 1 hour. A timer will be included to show you how much time is left for stock trading and how long it’ll be before the stock market is open again after closing.


- User Selection -

The stock market will operate with your accounts by using your FL Account ID. You’ll be able to store and use multiple IDs on the market application. This essentially eliminates the username/password situation.


- Market Repercussions (End Goals) -

Goal 1: A company or set of companies performing better or worse will affect the number of NPC spawns, the number of NPCs you’ll encounter during a spawn, the type of ships they’ll be using (LF, MF, HF, etc.), and how well-equipped they are.

Goal 2: A company performing better or worse will affect market prices for various items, depending on what the company produces or consumes for its operations.

Goal 3: Players can use the market as an additional source of income apart from trading, player-issued jobs, and jobs offered in the bars.

#2086420 Galaxy Grand Tour: Results!

Posted by S31-Zero-Order on 03 January 2016 - 03:17 AM in Server News

-- Excerpt from recent CNS (Colony News Service) broadcast --
    "Though initially cancelled, four brave pilots decided to join in a sudden race, using the original rules and objectives of the Zoner's event planned for this weekend. This race led them through a death-defying course through the Outcast home system of Omicron Alpha, past the Zoner base at Genesis, and then through the hellish ball of mines surrounding the Gateway to Nirvana. After an uncertain period of diving in and out of the mines, only three managed to pass through the deadly field to the finish line.
Representing the infamous pirate clan known as the COP, the first place winner turned out to be dangerous pilot, Pui de Zmeu. He elected to retain two brand-new Magnums as his reward for braving potential death!


    In second place, we have the courageous pilot who goes by the IFF signature 'XxX_weed_XxX'. For his efforts in navigating the mines, he was awarded a new Ultra Hull Mark 7!


    Coming in third place, we have the diligent and determined pilot who goes by the IFF signature 'Silent'. After pulling through almost certain death, he managed to make his way through the mines to the finish line, and earn the third place prize of a whopping 1 billion credits!


    Though he was unable to make it through the field, a pilot by the IFF signature 'Akon' was awarded with a participation prize of 250 million credits. The Zoners would like to extend a special "Thank You" to all pilots involved, and are looking forward to hosting further events in the future.

#2086419 What Events Do You Want to See?

Posted by S31-Zero-Order on 29 December 2015 - 01:32 PM in Server Discussion

I'd like to start doing events regularly each week to try to get us back in order. More people online at once, means more fun! To try to help this along, I'd like to see what types of events you're all interested in. Use the poll to let me know what you'd like to see more of.

Reward System:

Typically, I like to scale the reward system based on difficulty. The harder the event for a person to win, the greater the potential rewards. PvP events can net you the new, non-purchasable FA medium fighter variant to pilot, for example.

Cross-System Races:
Cross-System races are there for those of you who have a need for speed. The objectives are simple: start at one location and end at another location. Easy-peasy, right? A cross-system death race is essentially the same thing, but racers can attack each other. The rules can vary from no re-entry after death to a free-for-all until someone makes it to the correct destination.

Cargo Races:

Grab a commodity from one location and deliver it to another location. Prizes are awarded to the first people to complete the objective. Again, this can be PvP or non-PvP.

Standing Bounties:

Bounties on particular players are posted up on the forums. The tougher the target, the higher the bounty will be. A confirmed kill and posted screenshot of said kill will net you the reward for taking down that target.

Random Encounters:

While I can't be ingame all the time, I can still do random encounters through TekagisBot remotely. As you play, I can suddenly put up bounties on people, call out races from one location to another, and do some trivia for prizes. This can happen at any point through the day.

Team Battles:
Two or more teams meet in the field of battle, with one side emerging victorious. The winners each get special prizes (billions of credits, armor, or special weapons). This is a team-based PvP challenge.

Pretty much self-explanatory. A group of players meet in a system and duke it out to come out as the man (or woman) on top. The last surviving player wins the prize.

Combat Tournaments:

One-on-one combat, featuring players fighting others in pairs on their way to the top. Can have first, second, and third place winners.


One player carries a certain commodity or weapon and other players fight to take them out and get their loot!

#2086418 Hello

Posted by S31-Zero-Order on 27 December 2015 - 04:38 PM in New members

The UniFreighter is the trade ship that a lot of people use. There's also a trade ship on the mooring fixture at Planet Manhattan. To get either of them, you'll have to run a few missions to build some quick cash. You can get some strong, cheap Reaver Mk II guns in Colorado that'll help you do that.

#2086416 Hello

Posted by S31-Zero-Order on 26 December 2015 - 04:21 AM in New members

We've made a good number of changes, yeah, There are still more to come. We're glad to have you!

#2086413 Help!

Posted by S31-Zero-Order on 24 December 2015 - 09:28 PM in Server Discussion

Pop open the FLMOD files with either 7-Zip or Winrar. Either of those should give you the full directory that contains all of the files.

#2086411 Help!

Posted by S31-Zero-Order on 20 December 2015 - 06:01 PM in Server Discussion

When downloading the mod, there may be a 5.49 folder inside the 5.49 folder. The 5.49 folder within the 5.49 folder is the one you want to keep in your mods folder in FLMM.

If that doesn't work, make a copy of FL and copy/paste the contents of the mod (EXE, DATA folders, and etc.) into your original or copy of FL.

#2086409 Galaxy Grand Tour: Weekend Race

Posted by S31-Zero-Order on 17 December 2015 - 05:58 PM in Server News

From time to time, we like to do events with special rewards at the end for our players. These events can be anything from picking up a certain commodity and dropping it off elsewhere, PvP tournaments, standing bounties, and -- in this case -- races!

-- Excerpt from recent CNS (Colony News Service) broadcast --
"The Zoners have agreed to host their first-ever, cross-galaxy race as a special event that new and experienced pilots can participate in to get a better lay of the land. The goal is to bring in new business across Zoner-operated Freeports through both hosting spectators for the event and providing pilots with the opportunity to buy their wares at their stations. Pilots are expected to race from one edge of the galaxy to the other, with the first place winner getting their choice of rare and expensive gear: a Mark 8 Ultra Hull or two Magnums. The pilot in second will get a Mark 7 Ultra hull. Third place will earn 1 billion credits. They're planning to hold the race Saturday (1/2/AS 860) at 1:00 pm Manhattan Time (US and Canada Eastern Standard Time). They ask that you stay tuned in the event that the time for this race changes.
Depending on the turnout, the Zoners may choose to host the race again and will offer additional rewards should a new race be agreed upon."

The rules and allowances for this race:

  • Pilots may use cruise disruptors and attack trade lanes to gain an advantage.
  • Pilots may NOT attack other racers to kill them. Doing so will result in disqualification and transportation to the Penal Colony.
  • You must undock from a starting point and dock at the finishing point to start and finish the race.
  • Pilots may use any ship they'd like during this race.
  • As per server rules, NRP accounts and characters are barred from this event.
  • Pilots may take any route they like to reach the finishing location.
  • Navigational help will not be given. Pilots are expected to research and map out the route they wish to take prior to starting the race.
  • Pilot safety cannot be guaranteed. If pilots are killed during the race, they’re expected to respawn at the last location they docked at.
  • When approaching Nirvana’s jump, players are NOT allowed to dock at the station and undock at the jump in the middle of the map. You must travel through the mines like everyone else.


  • Undock from Freeport 10 in Tau-37.
  • Be the first to fly to and dock at Woodstock (Planet) in Nirvana.

Good luck pilots, and happy racing!
For the Brotherhood!

#2086400 Powerplant

Posted by S31-Zero-Order on 21 November 2015 - 04:27 AM in Server Discussion

Some powerplants are picky. Some ships can't mount powerplants that are meant to be on others (ie. a battleship powerplant being placed on a fighter). Fen or Ellis will need to change your player files to fix it directly, but I actually have another option for you to consider if you can transfer ships between characters: the ship garage. Transfer a ship from another character over to that one that has the problem. Relocate to Planet Denver or wherever, then swap the ships again. You should be able to have a wide variety of plants to chose from. If all else, you'd at least have other ship options so you can get out of the one you're in.

#2086397 New Server Feeback

Posted by S31-Zero-Order on 20 November 2015 - 11:38 PM in Server Discussion

A ping of 90 is actually pretty normal for a lot of people. I think I usually get about 90 - 130 when I get on. When you start to hit 150-200+, that's when you're gonna get seeing a good bit of lag.

#2086386 Data Storm

Posted by S31-Zero-Order on 19 October 2015 - 10:06 PM in Server Discussion

You may want to take a look at FLCompanion. It's not as comprehensive as DataStorm, but it gets the job done. Just keep in mind that these types of things may ruin the game for you if you're into the exploration element.

#2086385 New, Hello

Posted by S31-Zero-Order on 19 October 2015 - 10:05 PM in New members

Have you tried resetting the password and verifying the username/email you're trying to sign on with?